foft posted on Sep 30 2004 at 08:55 PM said:
jmetal88 posted on Sep 30 2004 at 08:46 PM said:
Before I download it, are the Atari 5200 controls engineered any better for games like Pole Position, where you have to center the stick? Having the emulator self-center the stick would be an awesome idea that would make a lot of the old Atari 5200 games even more playable than they were on the system itself (I know, I have one).
The emulation of the 5200 stick is very poor. If you have any suggestions to improve it then let me know... How do you map a digital stick to an analog one in a decent way? How long its held done? Maybe the way to go is adding an xbox controller to the USB port
For the stick You maybe could do this
When the stick is centered on the GP32 it would be like it is centered on the 5200. When you move the GP32 stick in a direction it would move that way but medium or slow speed. Then when you hold down a shoulder button (or any other button you choose) it could speed up to a faster speed until you let off of the shoulder button then it would go slow again. you could have a .txt file that would go with each game that could be edited to tailor the fast slow values (how slow , how fast) for each game. The txt file would be the ROM name with a .txt extention.
Before when I said it would be nice to have it autoreset I meant for disk .atr images, I was mistaken. I guess you would have to have that as a different menu item that would be like" load and run disk image".
Also one simple thing you should have the menu selector so that it "wraps". For example if the selector is on the first item instead of pressing down a bunch of times until it reaches the bottom, you could just press up and the selector will go to the bottom and work its way up. If you are at the bottom and you press down selector would appear at top and work its way down. This would be helpful as the reboot options are at the bottom, while the loading selections at the top. Right now if you keep pressing up it will go up until it reaches the top of menu and then stop.
Also is it possible to know which 5200 games are one chip and which are two chip? many times I will guess the wrong type and it will crash. Maybe when a game is loaded you could have the emu check a data file by the name that was selected and pick the right option automatically. There are not many 5200 games so that wouldn't be too much. You could have that data file a txt file so it could be user edited if the ROM names were renamed.
I know this is a lot of stuff so here is a condensed list that you could cut and paste into your notpad if you don't want to forget.
-Analog speed with 2 speeds by using shoulder. speed settings in txt for each analog type game.
-menu option "load and run .atr"
-wrapping menu selector.
-5200 one/two chip game data file for auto setting.
-"Change system" in the menu autoloads the keymap for that system.
there are alot of ideas here. I can't code so unfortunately I can't help implement them. If these ideas help you than that is the best I can offer.
Thanks much.
Ps. the Atari2600 that I use is VCS32. It is ok except that compatibility is very low, many games don't work.