Atack Of The Clones

I hate to say it that gameking II looks the well cool. Now if someone would only convince them to put a GP2X inside I'm set :)
speedmike posted on Oct 9 2005 at 02:26 AM said:
I just sold my gameking 1 and that was a gba clone... Gameking is the next Sony for sure
1st post!!!! w000000tttt!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 :lol:
I hope you're kidding, because if so, you forgot the italics? ;)
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rabbits with hats posted on Oct 6 2005 at 08:45 PM said:
Where do you get them?

I got mine from E-bay... cheap!

The GameKing is cool.

I don't think it is a crappy console (like the other two), but rather a very retro console.
Think of it as a Atari2600 but with great sound.
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iignotus posted on Oct 9 2005 at 03:30 AM said:
1st post!!!! w000000tttt!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
I hope you're kidding, because if so, you forgot the italics?
What I meant was, I hope he/she was kidding in saying that, "Gameking is the next Sony for sure" and if he/she was kidding, then he/she should have used italics. :)
By the way, why did you reply "wtf" in regards to my first post?? :unsure:
I love gp32_console
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Yup, mostly trolls write that kind of stuff. And most trolls get banned rather quickly on this forum, so you better don´t behave like one ;)

Anyway, welcome to the boards. What has brought you here?
Thanks for the advice peoples. :)
I have been reading some posts on these boards, from time to time for about 5 months now and only yesterday, I had the courage to sign up.
So anyway, what has brought me here, is my interest in the up-coming GP2X (which most of you are interested in) and in particular, the less popular XGP.
I am looking into eventually getting a GP2X and if it's reasonable priced, I will definitely get a XGP. *fingers crossed* :rolleyes:
By the way, does anybody have any approximates on what the XGP pricing will be, (in USD)? :unsure:

Thanks in advance,
Mel gp32_console

For more information, please click here.
You know that whole troll thing? Same thing goes for people who color their posts, use in-line sign-offs, and have huge image-sigs. Just trying to tell you so you don't come off like the murderous troll you are :P j/k but not really

XGP will be exactly $314.05 (not really). There is very little info about it so far.