Asus Eee Pc Emulation

I dont think most people here will be looking to buy an eee as a laptop on the cheap. Its all about its size 100%.

I bought a UMPC recently (I wanted XP on it) and yes i could have got a second hand decent laptop for the same price but i already had a laptop and wanted a small UMPC mainly to play emulators on and it fits the bill perfectly.

I really like the eee apart from it has Linux on it, i'm Windows through and through (i know boo hiss etc) but for me its so much easier getting/finding emulators to work and install.

Really excited to see more UMPC's come out the next year or two, theyre great little portable gaming devices
Christo, why do you always come here and post about things that you have no first hand experience of? I don't want a second hand laptop, I have a very nice one that will stay at home and double up as my desktop. I want a very small, portable dual bootable machine that will fit almost in my pocket and allow me to work at airports!

Why would I want a bigger, older second hand machine for that?

Again, why get involved about something you don't know/want/have experience of...?
christo930 said:
I made the comparison only on the basis of size. Some people would like the functionality of a laptop that fits in a pocket. Sure some sacrifices have to be made to get it that small, but if that's what you are looking for the Libretto fits the bill (with some sacrifice). If you are looking for a laptop on the cheap (which is the goal of EEE), you can do better in the used market. If it wasn't so expensive to support, schools could do very well taking donated laptops 2-3 years old. But believe it or not, it's cheaper to buy thousands of identical laptops than to have thousands of different laptops that were all free. I think that that is where the EEE will do very well. But for a consumer, a used laptop is the way to go. Hell, I got a brand new one that is worlds above the EEE for less then 2x the money. They are going for 350-425usd and that is pretty good for a new laptop, but since the tech is so old and out of date, you will get a better laptop for the same dollar in the used market. Size wise, I think they are pretty good if you are looking for such a small machine. I've seen nothing but good reviews on the unit with the exception of the keyboard. But dollar for dollar, I think your money is better spent in the used market, or up the stakes and go into the low end new market. I bought at the low end of the new market and spent 699 on a Pavillion DV9610 (I'm pretty sure thats the number). So for 300 more I got 2 1.9ghz processors, a beautiful 17" screen, DVD burner, sata hard disk... Built in webcam, mic, wireless, blue tooth, card reader (5 different standards) 4 or 5 usb ports an expansion port (not pcmcia, but the new one which is escaping me at the moment), digital audio, low end nvidea graphics chipset 8100 (usable for 3d gaming, but I'm not a 3d gamer). I am thrilled with the laptop. I could not believe how fast it is. It is the fastest laptop I have ever used. Most of the laptops I have used have been really slow even when compared to desktops with much lower specs. I guess they have made major improvements in laptop performance in the last 2 years. Size wasn't a consideration for me (actually it was, the bigger the better), but I realize not everyone wants such a big laptop, but they had smaller units for even less money. So for about 599 a 15" model with similar specs, just with the smaller screen. Just my .02

You're comparing a 17" and 15" laptops to a 7" UMPC.

You just don't get it.
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Exophase said:
I know everyone is calling it one, but does Eee PC really qualify as a UMPC?
Personally, I really don't consider it a UMPC. It just seems to be what everyone calls devices like this, these days. I always thought that a UMPC was more of a hand held device, but now there are MIDs that seem to fall into that category.

Back in my C1 Picturebook days, we used to call them sub-notebooks. That term worked for me, but I guess someone decided that it doesn't work anymore.

Really, there are just too many different, generic, terms to keep straight.
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Theres some exciting machines out there. I do like the oOo but the price is too high at the moment but that looks a great machine (the latest one not the original)

Still loving my UMPC, use it solely for emulators and enjoying playing Mario Kart on the N64 emulator. Great little device

All this 'why dont you buy an old laptop' stuff is very amusing. I think most of us here are gadget fans, having a very small PC with a 7 inch screen is the latest for our gadget addiction ! Not quite the same buying a second hand laptop when most of us have our own laptop anyway
lubidog said:
Christo, why do you always come here and post about things that you have no first hand experience of? I don't want a second hand laptop, I have a very nice one that will stay at home and double up as my desktop. I want a very small, portable dual bootable machine that will fit almost in my pocket and allow me to work at airports!

Why would I want a bigger, older second hand machine for that?

Again, why get involved about something you don't know/want/have experience of...?
I have 15 years of experience in pc technology and working as a network admin, helpdesk, desktop support, 1 man IT I think I'm qualified to speak on PC technology. You will notice I stated that if size was the main consideration, the EEE was good and got nothing but good reviews. I also suggested a libretto for something that does actually fit in the pocket with some compromises. But, for a cheap laptop, the EEE is not the best way to go.

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Size is the main consideration on this thread. We love gadgets, we love the GP2X, we love mini laptops eg UMPC's.

I think we all have a laptop but would love a smaller one just to play games and stuff. Yeah for the price of some UMPC's you could get a fully blown low spec laptop but its not as portable.

We're guys, we like gadgets, specially small little computers which we dreamt about as a kid ! The UMPC i bought was quite expensive but its so small and portable its just so cool !

For a cheap portable laptop the eee is excellent. This thread is about UMPC's really not normal laptops. Its an extra gadget to us !