Release Ascii Man


Aug 10, 2010
A Jump n slash around in a Terminal all presented in bloody realistic Ascii Art:

I did this quite a while ago as my first C learning project. 

Impressive how many lines a 10 Minutes game needs. 


         0000000000                                                  $ $ $ $
            0000000                                               $    $    $
                 00                                             $ $  $  $   $
                                                               $ $$     $
0000                                                             $$_$ $ $ $_$
0000000                                                              \|  |/
                                                                      |  |
                                     o       C|                       |  |
                                    /M\/      |o                      |  |  Th
                                    / \       'B'                     |  |  I
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 / \                     |  |
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I really like this one, and hope to be able to complete it some day.

10 minutes my ass...
It was surprisingly hard to make that screenshot, the terminal behaves quite wobbely when trying to copy a Text that refreshes at 60fps  B)

All comments about the gameplay itself say that this is pretty hard. I however was worried that it ends up too easy. 

For future reference and upcoming games: What is the hard part? Too much searching in the first map? That was intended tho. Or not enough life? Probably the Medpacks are just too hard to spot. 

Its really hard to tell for the maker how ppl play games... eg. the invisible bridge right at the beginning is probably undiscovered. 

Overall, more information please, i dont want to repeat mistakes in future games. 

Anyway, i am thinking about "Survive as long you can" version with C4A scoreboard, that should be pretty cool and only needs slight modifications. 
Well, there is sort of a learning curve. For example, to kill off the rat, you have to stop walking and just slash. When I started playing, I tried to ignore them, jump over them... but the buggers follow you onto other platforms, jumping you from above! Aaargh!

After a while, you learn that you just need to kill everything in sight.

Then, the fact I get these text boards, telling me it is down, then the other one that I have to go up, makes me go in circles. I have really no idea where I need to go next to.

The ascii art is top notch, I really like the smoothness of it.
Thank you for reporting FBnil, yea that helps a bit. You mentioned none of the stuff that i had in mind for changes  :rolleyes:

That basically boils down to being too mean at the beginning, making the entry level too confusing and maybe a few missing hints and instructions. 

The thing with the signs is that the other one changes what it says after you seen one. Its not a cycle but a mean joke of mine. 

The second map is to the left, quickly reachable by an invisible bridge at the left of the starting point. No hints given...

Btw you can kill the rats with jumping on them and slashing down. I had moves in mind for the enemies but it is impossible to tell if that works out for the testers. Eg. the axeman cant hurt you at all if you notice his timing. 