Are You Going To Get One?

Buying one with out any doubt

  • Yes definitely

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

waffles said:
Im planning on jumping on the second or third batch, because being an early adopter can turn out for the worse very easily.
also, new colors.
I'll be buying one as soon as it's released. The Pandora team stated that any hardware design fault will be fixed under warranty.

I'll probably be buying another one on the second and/or third batch too :p
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Parkydr said:
(now waiting for angry mob with torches and pitchforks :ph34r:)

Happy now? :p

On a vaguely related note i'll be buying one from the first 3000.
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I can't really justify it either. I mostly play 8/16-bit games, and they're catered for well on the GP2X. It'd be gross overkill forking out for an uber-powerful Pandora just to play my old NES collection!

The "UMPC" (or whatever people want to call it) side I don't really care about, I have my laptop with a decent sized screen/keyboard for that :)
I may buy one sometime, but i intend to weight and see what happens first. Everything that the pandora is expected to do, I can do better on a laptop, so my disition will depend on Werther this thing gets some very good home brew(that I cannot play on my laptop with a recompile) or attracts commercial developers.
yes, definitely. I have a 17 inch laptop that is a pita to carry everywhere. great as a desktop replacement and for tf2, but not good for portability.
I voted yes definitely. I have been waiting for this since I first heard about it for a bit over two months now from the engadget forums. I need to replace my TX badly and the Pandora will offer just what my TX is missing, a hardware keyboard, better cpu and graphics and a price that other brands aren't matching.
I'll definitely be getting one. :D I grew up in the 8/16 bit era, and while I play those games a ton, I also play a lot of PSX games, and the GP2x simply doesn't get the job done in that department. I'm also looking for a solid UMPC, and while my jailbroken iPod Touch does a good job of things, the battery life is pitiful on it.
I plan to buy one as soon as I can afford one. So far I've £19, £100 coming in soon. Only £81 short, I'm sure Craig will excuse me that. :D
definitely not getting one as soon as it comes out. Quite happy with my gp2x for now. I'd also at least wait until an american online store carries it. Maybe look for a price drop. Definitely wait on the sidelines and see how good the software is that comes out for it and peoples reaction to the machine once that actually have one.
I'll be on the 0-Day pre-order list. And I have the money in my secret stash already! Woot!
I have to keep investing more into my secret stash to get a fast 8MB flash card, but aside from that I'm golden. My wife isn't too happy about the expense, but once she sees in real life how truely awesome it is, I might have to fight her for it from time to time. So it might end up being two eventually. :p
Lurkio said:
mindlord said:
I have to keep investing more into my secret stash to get a fast 8MB flash card,
I've heard that they cost a fortune. :eek:


Yeah, I see what I did there. Obviously I meant 8 GB. Your sarcasm did not go unappreciated. B)
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mindlord said:
Yeah, I see what I did there. Obviously I meant 8 GB. Your sarcasm did not go unappreciated. B)
8Gb Class 6 cards have gotten so cheap they're near chump change prices (I've bought several in recent times for slighly less than $30US...). It's those 16's and 32's that're damned pricey these days... ;)
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I'll definitely get one, I have to go one better than my wife's N95 and, well, the kid's can go without shoes... :D

My concern is that it will come out when I'm away so I won't get my order in...!

