Are there any fun drinking games?


Nov 24, 2010
Are there any drinking games that are extra fun playing drunk? Or games that "help" get drunk?

Me and my friends have played Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., Risk, Sports champions, Time Crysis (PS3) and Mario Party. Are there any others that are more suitable?

(This topic do not approve minors drinking. So please, if you are under the legal drinking age, do not use the information from this topic and blame me/us for encouraging you to drink. Thank you :) )
this thread would be better if you explained the rules of the drinking games you guys use...and then maybe ask for more
this thread would be better if you explained the rules of the drinking games you guys use...and then maybe ask for more
i don't mean driking games like kegstand or whatever. But I mean games that can be extra fun when drunk!
this thread would be better if you explained the rules of the drinking games you guys use...and then maybe ask for more
i don't mean driking games like kegstand or whatever. But I mean games that can be extra fun when drunk!
Kubb! Probably the best game getting drunk to there is. Everyone drinks while playing, no special drinking rules and what not. You just drink beer and play. The more you drink, the harder the game becomes, the more you laugh, the more fun you have. A happy circle in drunken stupor. However... we might need to wait for summer. Or spring at least.
Kubb! Probably the best game getting drunk to there is. Everyone drinks while playing, no special drinking rules and what not. You just drink beer and play. The more you drink, the harder the game becomes, the more you laugh, the more fun you have. A happy circle in drunken stupor. However... we might need to wait for summer. Or spring at least.

Is there a Pandora port?
Dude, fox, you win 1,000 internets for bringing this game to my attention. I have no xbox but my comp is hooked up to my family room tv so the pc version should work great! Gonna play with a wierd assortment of an actual ps2 controller with USB adapter, wireless IR PS2 knock off and my iCP! Need one more controller.... Excuse to buy another iCP? ;)

Only 3 bucks AND 10% discount on steam! $2.69!!!!!

Seriously, you win this thread.
We use to play Kubb in the summer yes :P

B.U.T.T.O.N. Saw pretty awesome, gonna send this to some friends and see what they think. Thanks fox!
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (coin battle), Boom Blox (some of the game modes), Wii Sports Resort canoeing (2 vs 2 for extra fun)
This could be applied to drinking games, as well.
