Soo excited


Still Fresh
Sep 12, 2003
I don't know how the GP32 escaped my attention, but after finding out about it last night I immediately ordered an FLU unit. I can't wait!!! I have't been pumped for a new gadget in forever.

It's even sparked an interest in coding again for me. I just might have to get involved in some projects, at the very least do some bugfixing ::)

Just wanted to vent my excitement a little. Man I'm counting the minutes until this thing gets here.

Cool lil community you have here too!

Have a good weekend all
The more the merrier, I am sure you will love the GP32. It is always great to hear someone new is joining the community who can code as I am pretty sure the majority of us can't and are just old retro gaming freaks. Personally, I am very happy that the GP32 has allowed me to re-play my Spectrum and Master System games on the way to work and on flights etc.

Anyway, be sure to check out (in no particular order):
GPPang - Arcade game Pang conversion
Frodo - Commadore 64 emu
GPVGB test version - Gameboy emu
GPEngine - PC Engine emu
Speccyal'K - ZX Spectrum emu
Castaway - Atari ST emu
fSMS - Master System emu
LittleJohn - NES emu
NesterGP - NES emu

I find it good to have both LittleJohn and Nester on my SMC as if one emuy won't play the game you want to play, the other usually will. They are both great emulators.
Most fun i've had out of had out of gadget in ages, even my mates thought it was cool, and most of them aren't into playing computer games. Its the versatility of it B) Had it been a gba i doubt i would have shown it off :P Sorry GBA owners ;)
A -

You're gonna love it - and this is a great community as well.

Let us know what you think when you get it. Atari 800 and Little John are my favorite emulators at the moment.

HZ :ph34r:
Took it to a barby. Someone said "Is that a GBA?" in a disinterested, just-said-it-to-make-coversation kind of way.
I said "No. Ever played Doom on GBA? Did you have Doom on PC when it came out? Did it look like this?"
"Ever have an Atari ST?"
"No, I had an Amiga (cue ST hating that I let slide)"
"Mmmm. Well you remember most games came out on ST and Amiga... Check out Xenon 2. And Speedball 2.
"Cool. I don't suppose it matters too much that the Amiga versions were technically better when you're using such a small screen. What else does it do?"

The conversation went on and on, and I gathered a bit of a crowd. Admittedly a crowd of geeks, but it was an online game meet up! :D
"Cool. I don't suppose it matters too much that the Amiga versions were technically better when you're using such a small screen. What else does it do?"

lol, no amiga fan would say that because the main advantage in the bulk of the games was the sound, so yea it still matters, also the screen is plenty clear so "if" there were graphical differences i'd care because im not blind :blink:
Hey alienz,welcome,i too am a new member and just got the flu GP32 and have been enjoying it for the last couple of weeks along with this forum,you have to try the PCengine emulator on it because it is really great and playing supernintendo games with perfect sound(although this emulator aint up to full speed yet,it is pretty close to it and it works great too).have a good weekend all ;)
Neogenetics posted on Sep 12 2003 at 09:22 PM said:
Dont get his hopes up over the snes emulator. But anywasy. Welcome :P
Keep in mind that yoyo's secret project might be a snes emu
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Yeah I was reading about Yoyo's secret. I would be happy with the emu's out there right now. Especially the PCengine. So many games to go throught with that It'll take some time before I can ever get to SNES.

Are most of these emu projects closed source?
alienz posted on Sep 13 2003 at 11:31 AM said:
Yeah I was reading about Yoyo's secret. I would be happy with the emu's out there right now. Especially the PCengine. So many games to go throught with that It'll take some time before I can ever get to SNES.

Are most of these emu projects closed source?
Both snes emulators are closed source
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Anyone remember "JUMPIN' JACKSON" for the Amiga? That game kicks ass :D

Azure that thing in you Sig that tells me my ISP, IP etc cant work out what Iam Using to Browse the Net With :D
that was a pretty cool game, i can't remember exactly what u did in it anymore, but i think it involved getting bunches of squares all the same colour which unlocked a record or something that u had to pickup, is that right?

and u had scary chellos and stuff that chased u
Firstly: Welcome to the community Alienz.
Secondly: Project there's an amiga game, Edge magazine stated that few people ever got past level 2 it's that hardcore. I hate to brag but I breezed through it when I was 7. I suggest you check it out.
bradley posted on Sep 13 2003 at 10:01 PM said:
that was a pretty cool game, i can't remember exactly what u did in it anymore, but i think it involved getting bunches of squares all the same colour which unlocked a record or something that u had to pickup, is that right?

and u had scary chellos and stuff that chased u
Yea thats right I think (Well sounds Right to me)...
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Just want to say that.

My favv emu's are: Little John (NES) and GPVGB test (GB, GBC)

But i really, really really hope that a good SNES emu will be relesed.

I'm a Nintendo adict. :)
Thanks for the worm welcome guys/gals(?) ::)

Here's what I'm thinking for a game after doing some reading.

I'll run you through my caffine wired thought process.

The ARM CPU isn't really designed to do 3D well, no FPU etc, but everyone seems to say it runs GPDoom WADs very well.

That pseudo-3D environment of Doom might just be the thing to use to make a MarioKart style game. I believe there is even a patch for the Doom source to give you a third person perspective(perfect for rearview mariokart).

A couple of questions for people who have played Doom, is there any multiplayer options for the gp32? And do has a lot of the Doom code been moved over to ASM?

Of course if YoYo's secret project turns out to be a kickass SNES emu, then maybe I'll have to think of something else.

Also, are most Gp32 owners outside the States? Being in the USA I've never even touched an amiga yet hear a lot about it.

Hope you're all ready for Monday :( I'm already at work.