GP32 Gp32 Skin


YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!!&#3
May 30, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Ok i have the stuff to put a image onto the gp32 case but i need a design.

So does any1 have any anime or textures that would look good?

Id like a sexy anime girl on my gp32 ;) but i'll take any designs :)

it will look kinda like the gp32 brti meetup logo (brit flag on the gp32)

now the stuff im using is a secret ;) but i need a design to put onto it so who has any images that would be good

Thats kinda strange. Most people like to put a design on their GP32 and don't know how ... Is every texture possible, any color? You use a lamination? I know its a secret, but I like secrets sooo much. ;)
I was thinking about a new design for my unit since I do a lot of custom painting with the airbrush, but I decided to leave the gamepark in its orginal color. It looks nice also.
it can do any colour any texture (not real texture pictures of texture like brushed metal etc)

here is 1 of the designs i made this is a maybe...


so what do you guys think?

i havent found and good anime girls that would fit in the small space of the gp32

thats a FLCL image on the gp32 btw.

Is there anything weirder than FLCL? I need a better copy of episode one (when will Adult Swim run it again?).

Why the secret? Are you going to be doing this professionally?
OK NiN^_^NiN lets come to the conclusion: What can be done in Photoshop is far away from real life ... how will you get this pic on your GP32? ;)
OK then, but I really like to know how you get the GP32 through your inkjet printer. If you succeed I guess I have to do some electroplating on my unit ... ;)

The second one looks fab and it's a nice application of such a classic bit of art.
I have my suspicions on how your going to do this. Does it involve any heat ;).

If you get it sorted you can do mine with that logo if you set a fee :D.
Ahhh Furi Kuri...

My favorite anime series ever.... i even have viewed all 6 episodes on my GP32 during a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong and boring railroad trip.
i know the secret!!! i think that you mentioned this on the message board. you are going to use a temporary tatoo paper and spray some finish over it :lol: thats great....
Here are some skins that I made during lunch break. :P

One Piece:

Hmmm not that good.. 'cuase its the new version of Photoshop and I'm only used to v5.5 not v7.1 <_<
awwww nerd of nerds you spoiled the fun :(

Yes thats what im using inkjet Tattoo paper you print it out rub it on and it's done :)

then im gonna put a special coasting on it to make sure it doesnt rub.

but hey if you stuff up your first design you can rub it off :)

the Flcl pic above me would be alot easier cause the gp32 has curves and doing characters into the gp32 would be simple :)

I was gonna try a manga image cause of the simple look and the gp32 is white ;)

oh well there you have it the secrets out....well you still dont know how i'm gonna stop it rubbing off but yeah u will find something to stop it rubbing.

I liked the one with the waves on it. I've got a black GP32 so I don't think I'll be doing any of this stuff, but when you're done could you print a FAQ or a guide perhaps? just incase I get bored and have to try it.