Release Aquaria

I don't think my updates since my release of Aquaria will really affect the performance.
For those that don't own a copy yet, Aquaria is (once again) part of the latest Humble Bundle for the next two weeks.
Does the "use the native compressed format of the SGX" trick and the "reduce texture size to the half" trick improves the speed a bit? My guess is that most performance is lost in the alpha blending, since the SGX is quite slow at it. An ugly hack, but can you use simple transperent pixels (like in gifs) to get more performance, for lower quality pixels? Or is it not supported by the gpu?
Just write your own script and put a launcher in the Panel.

It should not be too hard.

It's just 3 commands
Attached is a (very small) patch that allows to bind the A/B/X/Y buttons using the ingame config page (this did already work before) and have them still bound after a restart (that is new with the patch:-)


I don't think my updates since my release of Aquaria will really affect the performance.
Though I did notice, that the (not user relevant) crash in SDL_Quit_Subsystem(SDL_INIT_Video) on exit vanishes when it is run using current libraries from NAND. I haven't looked closer; is that due to the preload business?


I probably fixed some exit stability issues in the library, but yeah - not user relevant :)

The preload business doesn't matter for Aquaria, because I use LIBGL_FB=1 to skip X11 rendering.