Apple Needs To Die

All this won't change anything. It's the game of the big boys. Rename the iControl Pad and release it for other phones.

Mithrildor said:
This is in the wrong section.
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Im the internet cop


Please move away from the keyboard and move this thread in the right section


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Apple's actions are only a symptom of a much bigger disease. This shit happens every week in some form.
The patent system needs to be reformed. As it is now, it is an instrument for monopolization.

Vote Pirates!


And then there's ACTA coming up...
mali said:
All this won't change anything. It's the game of the big boys. Rename the iControl Pad and release it for other phones.

Mithrildor said:
This is in the wrong section.

Mali (and all), Why change the name?
Apple can not sue over the usage of 'i' in front of a product name.
There was a court case recently where Apple lost. SMH - Apple loses case over 'i'

But its ambitions to make widespread claims on the letter "i" came to a grinding halt when the tribunal rejected Apple's claim that punters might be confused into thinking that they were buying an Apple product.

While the case does not affect Apple's current trademarks, companies wanting to use the "i" prefix will have a better chance of getting away with it, lawyers say.
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I know the evil witch from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I could get her to do a number on Apple, that’s is her speciality :ph34r:
kingoddball said:
Mali (and all), Why change the name?
Apple can not sue over the usage of 'i' in front of a product name.
There was a court case recently where Apple lost. SMH - Apple loses case over 'i'

But its ambitions to make widespread claims on the letter "i" came to a grinding halt when the tribunal rejected Apple's claim that punters might be confused into thinking that they were buying an Apple product.

While the case does not affect Apple's current trademarks, companies wanting to use the "i" prefix will have a better chance of getting away with it, lawyers say.
I know, I don't meant that it should be changed because of Apple, just because of marketing reasons. Let the iControl Pad die and use a new 'clean' name for the same thing. The iControl Pad name will forever be connected with Apple winning another dirty game.

I don't understand all that anyway. Small companies should stay under the radar to achieve their goals when there is a chance to get in conflict with a big player. Announcing the pad openly so long before release begged for consequences, imo. If you don't need preorder money, keep it secret.
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If icontrolpad is trademarked, this could prevent apple from using the name [without paying for it].

Just look at how fujitsu owned the name "iPad" since 2003. Apple had to pay for the rights to use the name iPad just days before it was released.
overjupiter said:
If icontrolpad is trademarked, this could prevent apple from using the name [without paying for it].

Just look at how fujitsu owned the name "iPad" since 2003. Apple had to pay for the rights to use the name iPad just days before it was released.

Its not the name that is causing the uproar. It's the fact that apple have virtually put a copyright (c) on the (near) exact same design as OpenPandora have.

The name is not really an issue.
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I'm disgusted... I'll post this on my blog (which is celebrating it's first anniversary :D ) along with a rant about why I don't like Apple anymore. I'll leave a couple jailbreaking links in there, too.
kingoddball said:
overjupiter said:
If icontrolpad is trademarked, this could prevent apple from using the name [without paying for it].

Just look at how fujitsu owned the name "iPad" since 2003. Apple had to pay for the rights to use the name iPad just days before it was released.

Its not the name that is causing the uproar. It's the fact that apple have virtually put a copyright (c) on the (near) exact same design as OpenPandora have.

The name is not really an issue.
Why is it so difficult for people to tell the difference between a copyright, a patent, and a trademark?
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I never liked apple except back in the day playing oregon trail. I don't know why Craig who is supposed to be for open systems would even come out with a device for such a closed system mainstream device like the iphone. I know people can hack it and all but the whole project seemed like a waste of time.