Anyone's Elses Screen Protector Come Pre-scratched

second exodous

Advanced Member
Sep 27, 2005
Utah, USA
I have gotten two units now, one sent back and then a replacement, and both of them had the screen protectors already scratched. Has anyone gotten replacements? I was wondering if the separate replacement screens that you can order from gp32z/playasia/lik-sang are scratched also. I was thinking of a way to make my own, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I like the idea of the screen protectors though, I've seen too many GBAs and SPs that are unplayable because of an annoying scratch. Playing the the screen protector that I have right now isn't much better though. So anyone have any experiences with separate screen protectors? I'm not even sure if the screens are made by the same company.

Its hard to see, but there is 1 more layer, with no pull tab or anything, just carefully scratch the corner of it with your fingernail till it starts to come up.

Should be on the front side of the screen, opposite of the sticky/adhesive side.
I have had 2 units and the protector was fine.
BTW I returned both cos one was pre-bricked and the next one had the headphone jack inside the unit
:( :( :( :( :( :(
The separate protector has 2 layers of plastic one is the adhesive backing and one is a thin film on the front side - which looks like it's scratched. Remove the thin one first, then remove the glue side and quickly apply to the GP2x after removing the GP2x one.

Try the steamy shower room to avoid dust.

If you get dust someone suggested using a static charged balloon to move the dust under the screen to the edge. Might be risky though.
I thought mine came pre-scratched, but then I peeled the top layer off and it was perfect, so I visited the shower and applied it to the gp32 after removing the layer from the LCD and opposite side of the protector. No dust as of yet has gotten behind the protector.
heh, even after reading many threads about this, it still took me a while to realise that I still have another layer to pull off the screen.
Is there a easy way to remove the screen protector?

i have quite a bit of very annoying dust under my screen and was wondering how to get it off? cheers
Is there a easy way to remove the screen protector?

i have quite a bit of very annoying dust under my screen and was wondering how to get it off? cheers

I use one of those solder scrapers... The sharp end is just right to pick it off.

I have also used a pocket knife, but I accidentally scraped some of the black paint off the back side when i tried it.
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someone posted a good idea here the other day

they took a baloon, rubbed it on some hair to get static on it, and then "dragged" the dust off the edge of the screen like a magnet, try that before prising open the screen
Is there a easy way to remove the screen protector?

i have quite a bit of very annoying dust under my screen and was wondering how to get it off? cheers

Somebody suggested charging a balloon with static electricity and using that to move the dust out of the way.

EDIT: Beaten to it.
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Will everyone stop suggesting the balloon. Microelectronics and static electricity do not mix well
Wow, I feel stupid, I didn't realize there was a film over the screen protector like there was the unit. The one I have right now has a small defect still, it has a black dot, looks like it got in when it was cast, but now the scratches are gone it looks much better. No dust in mine, I put it on right when I opened it, I thought if I waited too long dust would gather.

As soon as i took the 2 films off mine dust flew onto it :(. Though i'd got it all off before putting it on, mines on its way to gbax so ill try taking it off with a knife, Knowing my luck the baloon method will "Update" my firmware :P
I think this is the most common issue people bring up when they first get their GP2x, I've seen it so many times, it should be in the sticky thread at the top I'd think. I thought the same thing when I got mine, I was like damn the screen is kinda funky then I noticed it just peeled off leaving a nice clean surface. The other main question a lot of people ask is they get the freeze ups right away and they use the included crappy batteries and think they would last hours when they don't.
mines silly it was perfect for a few days, and now it has a liittle hair inside it that isnt noticable when turned on :P
my screen protector had a but of the stucky adhesive around the edge on the clear see through bit, so it always looks as if there is a bit of fluff on the screen.

I guess it would make it easy to identify if someone nicked it.
has anyone got any pics of the screen protector thing?
i should be getting my gp2x 2moro so i want to know what im doing.
so is the best idea to run the shower for a bit then do whatever you need to do to it in the room?

ill have a seach around to see what i can find out as im guessing its been asked thousands of times already :P