a) I'm pretty sure that the SNES and PC Engine Adventure Island games are different, and
B) yeah, it's just an extension of the Wonder Boy series, with revamped sprites. The game mechanics are *exactly* the same.
Ok I also have a game I can't remember the name of...
It's a C64 race game with a top-down view and you have to jump over rivers and stuff..
Does anyone have an idea?
Me too. Ok the game I can't remember was on the amstrad I think it was called digger but i'm not sure. The direction buttons moved the little digging car thing and the F1 button shot a fireball. You had to dig and get gems and sacks of gold with dollar signs on them.
Can I play that on my GP32?
There was also a game with 2 ships, which had to blow each other up sort of like asteroids, only without the asteroids, if you know what I mean.