Anyone Got A Beer I Can Nick?

'Doctor- weve lost him.
A nasty case of goity syndrome.'

'he wont be the last to go nurse. ive seen goity syndrome symptoms in many others and im keeping them in quarantene, im afraid many others- such as the one they call nova may not last through the night'
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Have a pint on me. :D

no goity.
you posted a picture of an empty glass that clearly was not the glass of the beer that trooper oh-so nicely posted.
but dont worry, the men in white coats say they can come at 8 tomorrow. -_-
Fosters isnt that bad. When you compare it to tennants that is. Tennants is worst lager EVER.

I like millar, it is cheap and tastes real good, or if i just got payed or something, stella or bud :D
I like fosters but at 1.25 a pint im not gonna complain. Dont like it canned tho, feels too fizzy.

Not a fan of canned bear at all, beer should be in a glass of one form or another. Not a big fan of stella also; tastes more like piss than fosters :P s'pose its stronger though, but also more expensive at 1.50 a pint (used to be a bottle but they ran out and do it by the pint).

My local is ace.