Anyone Actually Feel Like Celebrating New Year??


Still Fresh
Dec 31, 2004
London, England
I don't. This Asia thing has thouroughly depressed me. Think I'll just stay in, monitor the boards, slowly mong myself with a combination of beer and possible Baileys, and calmly seep into 2005.

danabnormal posted on Dec 31 2004 at 05:29 PM said:
I don't. This Asia thing has thouroughly depressed me. Think I'll just stay in, monitor the boards, slowly mong myself with a combination of beer and possible Baileys, and calmly seep into 2005.

I'm invited to a party. The Asia thing hasn't bothered me at all (sorry if that offends anyone). I don't think I'll go to the party. I'd drink a load of Baileys to but I've ran out of supplies : /
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Its affected me as much as other bad things in the world but that isnt gonna stop me living as bad things happen all the time.

Trying to find people to go clubbing with me atm.
I'm just going out with a couple of friends, I'll probably be home early enough.

The Asia think doesn't have much effect on me, no world tradgedies ever do.
can't say i'm affected by it, it's just ironic that these things happen all the time but we only hear about 1 and it's "omygod! look what's happened! it's so horrible!"
edit: this may sound horrible, but I'm just saying tgat we are just picking out one thing that's happened. many other things happened this year that were worse

btwdamn government cuts, could have installed warning but didnt
Axeman posted on Dec 31 2004 at 06:54 PM said:
I'm staying in, but thats just cos I bloody well hate the ripoff culture here in the UK on New Year's Eve...
Its a fiver to get into 'Spiders' - this is for members, its usually only 3 quid and 2.50 on fridays :o... It is open till 4am though, I suppose, so bed for 6am. Im going to die.
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Goity posted on Dec 31 2004 at 05:54 PM said:
can't say i'm affected by it, it's just ironic that these things happen all the time but we only hear about 1 and it's "omygod! look what's happened! it's so horrible!"

thats the most naive thing i've heard all year

think about what you just said

when do 150,000 people die all the time? it is fucking horrible you shithead, i was in thailand this very time two years ago, all the locals i met were brilliant and a worser thing couldn't have happened to better people.

engage that so called brain of yours before you speak, moron.


i will be out a party celebrating new years with my girlfriend for the first time of three! i'll have me a few pints and then have a bottle of rum to see me through.
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Goity posted on Dec 31 2004 at 06:54 PM said:
can't say i'm affected by it, it's just ironic that these things happen all the time but we only hear about 1 and it's "omygod! look what's happened! it's so horrible!"

This is the most naive thing Spray's heard all year, and with only 6 hours left it looks like it's going to stay that way.
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London is holding a two minutes silence at 11.55pm tonight. For residents of the UK you can send your donations into They are representing several charities including Save the Children, The Red Cross and Oxfam and they will give the money out to each organisation depending on which ones need the most money. It's a good idea if you don't have much to donate and don't know which organisation to give it to. Otherwise most high street banks are taking in donations as well as several online retailers like Amazon (on behalf of the Red Cross) and PayPal (on behalf of UNICEF)
Radio posted on Dec 31 2004 at 07:37 PM said:
London is holding a two minutes silence at 11.55pm tonight. For residents of the UK you can send your donations into They are representing several charities including Save the Children, The Red Cross and Oxfam and they will give the money out to each organisation depending on which ones need the most money. It's a good idea if you don't have much to donate and don't know which organisation to give it to. Otherwise most high street banks are taking in donations as well as several online retailers like Amazon (on behalf of the Red Cross) and PayPal (on behalf of UNICEF)

Amazon have raised $3.5m dollars in donations. The UK public, through private donations alone, in two days, have raised £32m. If you haven't noticed Goity, this is not one of those "ironic ... things happen all the time but we only hear about 1 and it's "omygod! look what's happened! it's so horrible!" "

*apologies to Mark
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Don't worry, it's fine :)

Anyone else hate January? I think it's because I love Christmas actually, and it's all over then-and so far away.

Also, January reminds me of those buiness-like crap calender things, those horrid red ones.
My family and me donated £60 through Unicef towards aid relief.This will hopefully sort out 200+ kids for a while. I figured I'd go with Unicef since seeing those kids without anything this xmas made me well up :(

Anyway link is here Unicef Donation

I found a couple of my friends are ok in Cambodia, but for the others I dont know yet :o

Its bad that 100,000+ are dead, but this is going to get much worse before it gets any better. With 5 million or more displaced and disease etc. this is a huge disaster; what annoys me is that with a population of 260 million and an average earning of $35,000 that the US hasnt contributed as much as the UK.

oh yeh and I'm going to a private party :P
not that i don't feel sorry for them, just ironic that racist people hate them until something bad happens then pretend to be dead sorry for them, eg chavs