Any Ideas For A Simple Mod?


Active Member
Jan 26, 2005
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Hi guys,

I just noticed that the Samsung C100 charger has a plug that fits perfectly in my GP32's ext port, and I was wondering if anyone can suggest a simple mod to put this plug to use? :)
I am only after a very simple mod, even if it was just an EXT to USB female, to use it to draw power from the 32 for tiny devices like the useless light with the flexible neck. Anyone can guide me to where can I find the schematics of the 32's EXT port please?
Thanks in advance.
Pins: 1=3.3v, 2=nRESET, 3=nTRST, 4=JTAG[TDI], 5=JTAG[TMS], 6=JTAG[TCK], 7=JTAG[TDO], 8=AIN0, 9=RXD0/GPF0, 10=TXD0/GPF2, 11=IIC-bus[SCL], 12=IIC-bus[SDA], 13=nRTS0/GPF4, 14=nCTS0/GPF5, 15=RXD1/GPF1, 16=TXD1/GPF3, 17=NoConnection, 18=Ground
Thanks a lot Squidge, one question, should I start counting from the left upper row when I have the EXT port in front of me and the screen to the ceiling?

Edit: And how many mah does it provide? am really sorry but I don't have a voltmeter around.
Thanks alot Squidge, this is really useful.
I was just trying to figure out the amperage but wasn't successful, those pins are so tiny, guess I will have to hook up the connector first then redo the test, am heading toward the EXT to USB female power source, unless someone has better suggestions (God I hope there was a way to mount at least a Flash memory to the thing, anything that is larger than 128 MB :( ).
:( I was trying to open the connector, but the damn screws are so jammed that there is no way to open it, I took a look at the pins, and it seems that the pin equivelant to the GND is not there, there's the 3.3V and another three in the middle, and that's all :( Could this project be done without hooking to the GND pin?
Sure, as in any electronics, the voltage you get is simply the difference between the two pins, it doesn't need to be a GND, but if you get 3.3V and 2V, then you'll only get 1.3V, which may not be enough.

You could take one of the UART pins, configure them as output in software and drag them to ground, and use those. It'll even make your power switchable. I wouldn't take more than 10mA using that method though.
I see, never thought of it that way; 3.3v - (GND= 0) gives 3.3v.
I guess 10mA are not enough for anything, so itis either that I find another connector, or try finding another mod with the same connector, maybe an additional button to reset the GP32 (god I feel embarrased, this must be the stupidest mod idea ever :P).
To reset the GP32 you need to pull the RESET wire to GND, and you have no GND...

I'd suggest getting another connector.