Any good 'sneaker' games (aka Thief: Dark Project type)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Thief: The Dark Project was one of the very best games ever; it shows its age, but it created the whole sneaker genre. (Sneak into a castle, steal everythign you can, try not to hit/kill/alarm/notify any guards/people you were there at all, and perform some objective.) It got a bit too 'save the world' (for a thief ;) but a well designed game.

Thief 2 .. more of the same, but bigger, and less save the world. Great stuff.

Thief 3 (showed up on Xbox and PC) is fantastic again, with gorgeous artwork as well.. still great today. Pick it up.

Anything like that? I'll have to check out Assassins Creed, if it has any feel liek Thief. OR syphon Filter, despite being a modern day/future shooter?

(and do _not_ bring up Metal Gear Solid, which I truly think is one of the worst designed game series ever; just atrocious. A cut-scenes only edition is really what they want :p )

My personal favourite has a man named Same Fisher in it...

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Thief is one of my all time favorite series.

Assassins Creed is pretty good. Never played completely through it though. Instead of hiding in the shadows you hide mostly in plain sight. Instead of stealing gold candlesticks you steal lives.

Deus Ex

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic


The Operative: No One Lives Forever

Thi4f if it ever sees the light of an electron.

Your not going to find very many games like Thief. It's one of a kind.

My personal favourite has a man named Same Fisher in it...

You ninja'd me! :eek:
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Heyz~ B)

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins on PSOne was my all-time favourite back in the day, but the Tenchu series went on a bit of a downward spiral after the initial T1 and T2 on PSOne.
Heyz~ B)

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins on PSOne was my all-time favourite back in the day, but the Tenchu series went on a bit of a downward spiral after the initial T1 and T2 on PSOne.

Yeah I like the first one the best.
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+1 for Thief

As far as sneaking, well the Hitman series has stealth etched into its core design. I've played all the games and beaten all except Hitman 1. Silent Assassin, Contracts, and Blood Money have excellent scenarios with choking or drugging people for their outfits, hiding bodies, sniping, stabbing, poisoning, trapping, tricking, and a wide array of tools to accomplish these tasks. Moreover, each mission has an open structure, giving you a target and leaving the details of how to do the hit to you. They also have many clever situations, almost puzzle-like, and some really great easter eggs to boot. Masterfully crafted games, I tell you.

Some visuals (Spoiler for real though! Only 1 mission)

Now to play some Thief III...
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Tenchu all day long

game was top class on the PS1

I've not played any of the Thief series myself
Thief 1+2 were excellent games (though I preferred Thief 1 with the white lighting as opposed to the coloured lighting of Thief 2). Thief 3 was abysmal and is pretty much universally disliked for Eidos' willful their destruction of the original game. Well, it's not all bad - "The Cradle" is a very atmospheric level indeed.

If you like those and have a copy of Doom 3 hanging around (uncracked original needed, iirc) then you should give The Darkmod a go. It's Thief, but using advanced graphics from the Doom 3 engine and as such is a much better game graphically than Thief 3 was. It also uses proper physics too, and there's heaps of missions for it now.

I thought Thief 3 was fairly well respected, though not so much as Thief 1+2.

What was so poor about T3 though?

I mean, in the absence of Thief 4, I'll take it :)

Metacritic grants Thief 3 (PC) 85, which is not half bad.


Ah, if only Skyrim could be closer .. its due same time as the twins :p Sorry babe, you wash the brats, I have dragon slaying to do! /divorce
I thought Thief 3 was fairly well respected, though not so much as Thief 1+2.

What was so poor about T3 though?

Ah, if only Skyrim could be closer .. its due same time as the twins :p Sorry babe, you wash the brats, I have dragon slaying to do! /divorce

I liked Thief 3 as well. I think most of that comes from the fact that Thief 3 felt more linear than the previous ones. Thief 1+2 had multiple ways of reaching your objective but Thief 3 pretty much had one path. I don't know I liked it well enough myself.

I CANT WAIT FOR SKYRIM! The other ones I waited til the GOTY version came out but I'm going to hop on this as soon as it comes out.

Oh and I'm glad Eidos took over development of Thief 4. Ion Storm was going have it in a modern setting (blah).
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I'll be the first to say that Thief III's voice-acting (and lines) were the worst I have ever heard. The Mortal Kombat movies had better acting, AND better AI (I know what I said, the MOVIES).

But, as much a judgmental gamer I am I'm a quite a bit taken aback by Thief 3 being characterized as 'abysmal'. To be fair, I haven't played 1 & 2, but I've seen far worse games than Thief 3, and moreover I consider Thief III one of the FEW full 3D games I consider truly worthwhile. Still, I respect that the earlier releases of the genre could be way better. I rather consider this a challenge to try them. :)
I did enjoy Assassins Creed 1 & 2 for a while, but the gameplay quickly becomes tedious as every mission and location are virtually identical, performing the same actions over and over again, getting to the end becomes a monotonous chore. You do have to 'hide' most of the time, but the mechanics are a million miles away from Thief, it's purely arcade gameplay.

The sneaking in the Bethesda games is more of a broken afterthought.

Deus Ex is definitely the closest game in terms of atmosphere and mechanics, it is possible to hide effectively and complete missions without killing anyone for example. The second one was a bit guff, but I'm looking forward to playing numero 3. Futuristic setting though.

I did enjoy Thief 3. It wasn't as good as the other two, but there were some amazingly good parts (shalebridge cradle! :( and the witch hunting for you stick out in my mind)

I didn't like the dark mod at all, I found it far too ropey. I'm not sure how far it's come since last year but I won't be interested in it until it has a storyline and a single player campaign, I'm not really in to playing single fan made missions.

Thief is still so popular because there hasn't been anything else to compete with it yet. I think it would be very brave of a major company to release a game like this these days, if they ever did I expect it would be made up of missions consisting of 3 corridors linked by heavily scripted events and quick time button mashing.
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I'll be the first to say that Thief III's voice-acting (and lines) were the worst I have ever heard. The Mortal Kombat movies had better acting, AND better AI (I know what I said, the MOVIES).

But, as much a judgmental gamer I am I'm a quite a bit taken aback by Thief 3 being characterized as 'abysmal'. To be fair, I haven't played 1 & 2, but I've seen far worse games than Thief 3, and moreover I consider Thief III one of the FEW full 3D games I consider truly worthwhile. Still, I respect that the earlier releases of the genre could be way better. I rather consider this a challenge to try them. :)

Thief 1/2 had real atmosphere and some truly huge maps where it was needed - and they were built around the equipment the player had available. Thief 3 had several shortcomings... Firstly, it was developed with the XBox in mind, and so memory constraints meant that each map was a fragment of an overall larger map and the designers made no effort to minimise the amount of times you had to cross from one part to another which resulted in a awful break-up of the experience. The graphics were ok... but felt plastic compared to Thief (even with Thief's rather low poly-count). Thief 3 often screwed up the lighting and shadow system, which resulted in unfair deaths as NPCs rounded a corner and spotted you in full darkness. Don't get me started on "climbing gloves" as opposed to rope arrows - just another way to ensure that the player didn't stray from the pre-determined path.

In short, Thief 3 suffered from being written in Deus Ex 2's engine, with teletubbies designing the levels. It was way too easy for the most part and stupidly unforgiving in others. If you want a massively updated Thief, snag a copy of Doom 3 and install the DarkMOD - it puts Thief 3 (and probably Thief 4 too) to shame, and it's completely free.

Don't get me started on twinkling items and objectives... I couldn't even begin playing T3 before I'd edited that out of the config file.

Why has it become the standard for game studios to hold your hand so badly?
"Climbing gloves".. yeah,m that really annoyed me; the whole rope mechanic was really classy in the earlier games; some freedom to get yourself into a lot of weird spots :)

Thief 4? *wooot!* No idea on the timeline I guess yet eh? Gotta be this or next year though, I imagine, if it sdtarted in 2009...

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