Any Fans Of Nine Inch Nails Here?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Shameless plug here. I have my CD posted over at just trying to get the word out and get some listeners. If you like NIN then you have a good idea what my own music sounds like... as they, along with Nirvana, were my biggest inspirations when I was writing this music. Anyways, if anyone is interested, here's the link:

Um... well I dunno if it's 'kosher' to recommend 'highlights' from my own CD, but I will anyways :) The songs "Neverwas" "What it Means" "Before the Fall" and "Crash" are the better of the bunch, IMO anyways. Also, I did a cover of the Nine Inch Nails song "Pig" which was pretty popular on that website for a while.

Anyways... check it out.

Oh, and for anyone who didn't already know, NIN's new album "With Teeth" is due out this April or May, and the first two songs "The Hand the Feeds" and "The Line Begins to Blur" have been leaked all over the place, if youre interested to track them down. Unfortunately, I didn't find either track to be as good as previous NIN stuff :( but hoping the CD as a whole will be better.
I'm gonna have a look at it, sounds very interesring by the decription you made.

EDIT: Sounds very good. Gotta download all songs and take it to school tomorrow.




I'm so f'ing pissed right now. Tickets for NIN's concert just went on sale at 4pm today, for $30 a piece. I was online and ready to buy... 4:01 PM, all tickets sold out. Just for the hell of it I check Ebay... interesting, already like 7 people selling them on there for $200+ each.

I've waited some five years to catch them in concert, I missed them last time they played... now I can either go sell my ass on the street to afford to go or just miss out again. If I ever get to a show, any show, and catch some scalper out front selling tickets, I'm gonna punch his teeth out, mark my words.....
thanks for the compliment. The songs there are not really 'finished'... the problem is I only work on them from home on my PC, also much of my other equipment (guitars, amp, synths, mic) are low end stuff... I'm not rich :( so they don't sound as good as I wish and the mix is definately not perfect. One day if I ever get 'discovered' maybe I can have a real producer come and mix my stuff on real equipment and then it would sound much better. I can dream :)
well, I noticed one thing while downloading the songs: most of them are low quality (32Kb/s) WMA's. Are the songs available as "proper" MP3's (128Kb/s at least or even better, VBR)?
yeah they always prefer you put them up in low quality, to save server space, as their service is free of charge and a LOT of people post their music there, and also so that even though who are on 56k can stream the music reasonably. I was sending out CD's for a while... I dunno if you're really interested we can work something out, either sending a CD, or just direct sending you the MP3's in whatever bitrate you want, over MSN messenger, IRC or something. I don't have them posted/hosted anywhere else though in a better format.
oh, must have missed your response, sorry for the late reply.

well, If you don't mind, you could send me the fiels via email. my email adress is
super-horscht (at) ILOVEMYGP32 (remove the obvious part and replace (at) with the well known symbol. If your email doesn't allow that large attachmenst, try . If that doesn't work, we'll have to drop the idea, as I have tried several IM services (AOL, YAHOO, ICQ, MSN) and I never was able to send or receive files, no matter if i opened the right port on my router or not.