Shameless plug here. I have my CD posted over at just trying to get the word out and get some listeners. If you like NIN then you have a good idea what my own music sounds like... as they, along with Nirvana, were my biggest inspirations when I was writing this music. Anyways, if anyone is interested, here's the link:
Um... well I dunno if it's 'kosher' to recommend 'highlights' from my own CD, but I will anyways
The songs "Neverwas" "What it Means" "Before the Fall" and "Crash" are the better of the bunch, IMO anyways. Also, I did a cover of the Nine Inch Nails song "Pig" which was pretty popular on that website for a while.
Anyways... check it out.
Oh, and for anyone who didn't already know, NIN's new album "With Teeth" is due out this April or May, and the first two songs "The Hand the Feeds" and "The Line Begins to Blur" have been leaked all over the place, if youre interested to track them down. Unfortunately, I didn't find either track to be as good as previous NIN stuff
but hoping the CD as a whole will be better.
Um... well I dunno if it's 'kosher' to recommend 'highlights' from my own CD, but I will anyways
Anyways... check it out.
Oh, and for anyone who didn't already know, NIN's new album "With Teeth" is due out this April or May, and the first two songs "The Hand the Feeds" and "The Line Begins to Blur" have been leaked all over the place, if youre interested to track them down. Unfortunately, I didn't find either track to be as good as previous NIN stuff