Another Pure Data Request


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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I know Ive asked this many times, but I would really like a pure data port for the pandora, th pandora just seems like the ideal platform for this software. 

Now I stumbled onto this site:

there they released an impressive package of music software for beaglebord and raspberry pi, including ( Pure Data extended, Arduino, Faust, ChucK, Audacity, Emacs, g++/gcc, and more ) (Pure Data extended, Arduino, SuperCollider, Faust, ChucK, Audacity, JackTrip, Emacs, g++/gcc, and more...


So there are these really cool packages around for raspberry pi and beagle board as I understand it those are close cousins of the pandora If Im not mistaken, also the software that is mentioned there is under an  open source licence so I guess the software would still be open source.

Could some of you software-able guys take a look into this, I would be very gratefull if I can use some of my pd patches on the pandora. 
Uhg, why another topic?

As mentioned in a couple topics: I have gotten Pd to work on SL4P.

Hopefully that will progress to getting pd-extended to compile as that has many of the really good plugins combined (but is a bit of a pita to compile).

So, it's doable, but don't expect a .pnd from me any time soon (something about graduating this summer ..)
Sorry did not mean to offend you and it was definetely not just towards you, I remember that I mentioned it before (obvious from the topictitle) but I didnt know that your were keeping it warm so to say.

Good luck on your graduation, what education are you graduating from? Already any plans for after graduation?
Sorry did not mean to offend you and it was definetely not just towards you
Not an offence, but there are already a couple topics about it and I already spoke a few months back of getting it to work :P Back in March (your own damn topic even!):

Seems you are just impatient ..

Good luck on your graduation, what education are you graduating from?
Basically a Research Masters in computational chemistry.
Already any plans for after graduation?
Being unemployed (I don't see any immediate job-prospects unfortunately, and I don't want to do anything in my field (pharmaceutical stuff) ..).
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Sorry did not mean to offend you and it was definetely not just towards you
Not an offence, but there are already a couple topics about it and I already spoke a few months back of getting it to work :P
Back in March (your own damn topic even!):

Seems you are just impatient ..

Good luck on your graduation, what education are you graduating from?
Basically a Research Masters in computational chemistry.
Already any plans for after graduation?
Being unemployed (I don't see any immediate job-prospects unfortunately, and I don't want to do anything in my field (pharmaceutical stuff) ..).
Cool! not planning on doing a PhD? Computational chemistry do I have to think about modeling molecules and their interactions or something else, pharmaceutical so I guess it's a bit more dosage, LD50 and release type stuff? Hard to get a grasp of what computational chemistry would be. I myself have PhD in moleculair biology that involves quite a bit of chemistry, I recently switched to a more image analysis type postdoc so Im interested in the computational part.

Sorry for seeming impatient to you... again I did not mean to appear like that. I was just very excited when I read about the beagle board and rapsberry pi ports.

:D I hope I wont keep forgetting about posting and posting this again next year :D Good luck with graduating.
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Cool! not planning on doing a PhD?
Maybe, I've been asked to come to my previous internship-place at the University of Copenhagen.Really need some spare-time for fun projects first though. So maybe next year.

Computational chemistry do I have to think about modeling molecules and their interactions
Yup. Mostly membrane-bound proteins and some quantum-mechanics of small molecules as well.
I myself have PhD in moleculair biology that involves quite a bit of chemistry, I recently switched to a more image analysis type postdoc so Im interested in the computational part.
Cool, a PhD could definitely be in the prospects .. but for now I just want a part-time job and lots of time for projects and music :)
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