Another One Fo Them Gp2x "killers"

$700 isn't expensive at all for a consumer device off the high street with built in GPS, I think that is it's big market.

However there is also a story from just before CES from Commodore that they are meeting with people from Amiga inc about some kind of new system.

Looking at this companies background is quite impressive and i wouldn't write these guys off too hastily.

This device is not intended to be in the market with gaming handhelds but i wouldn't be surprised by a gaming handheld coming from this company, Several members of the Amiga and C64 community have conversed with this new Commodore and it seems so far that people involved are not just into Commodore for the name but have been and are still part of the Commodore retro scene.

We should deinately keep an eye on these guys to see what develops, They used Jerri's C64 DTV and there is currently a working Amiga in a FPGA project being updated all the time that i expect to be picked up by somebody when it's complete (Commodore?)
Lol if the price really is 700 I don't think we have to worry : )

700 is a lot of money.... :blink:

It starts out looking okay from the bottom (ergonomics is different, how would you hold that?), but then they used a spud splitter/cheese grater motif for the speakers.

(spud splitter, see device used to make chips out of potatoes)

I think the "cheesegrater motif" is supposed to be reminiscent of the air vents on the C64 (later model not breadbox), another person i showed the link to has suggested the unit looks like a c64 datacorder.

what is motif? in spite of an Unix wm... lol's sacrilege to use that name to sell crap :(

hell yeah! I almost cried! :(


but a handheld with a commodore C= logo looks damn sexy :P

yeah. but it should runs on AmigaOS or smth... :|

Commodore used to be a software company also, wonder what happened.


an amazing story. wiki pedia:

They could call the new system Commodore Amiga or something... :)

Noooooooooooooooo!!! use only 'Commodore' to sell crap is enough! :(
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My €0.02
The only good thing (with any commodor credibility) are the F1 and F2 keys... The rest of it is crap, it looks like a baby monitor, its bulky as hell, it odviously has no shoulder buttons but worst of all its being released with nes titles??? wtf its a commodor! ""Another unique feature is the built in ability to play games"" I think just about everything with a screen can play games nowerdays how are they unique... Maybe these guys should look back at the c64 and see some of the things they did right... High quality sound, accelerated 2d(sprites), descent game controlers etc. I hope that the screen is touch sensitive or this thing really has nothing going for it. A look at there website shows them reselling the "c64 direct to tv" an american designed and built 30 games in 1 joystick which connects directly to a NTSC tv...