Another New Gba!

Sep 7, 2003
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What does everyone think?

I like the design, and portability although will not be buying one.

Before everyone starts slagging off Nintendo, what is wrong with having a few different models of the same product aimed at different people? How many MP3 players do Sony or Apple have? Surely this is the same principle. If Nintendo can make money from the hardware, whats the problem?
Ah yes, they make different MP3 players... There's more than one version of every single kind of device ever made out there... but there's a difference between the gameboy advance and the rest... the gameboy micro has no new feature. it's no different from the gba or gba SP. It's smaller than the other 2, and that's it. it's not like an MP3 player that holds more songs or has better sound quality or anything like that. It's just a smaller version, and it actually looks almost too small to be able to play comfortably. It appears to be almost smaller than the original NES controller. and could someone tell me why the start and select buttons are on the bottom of the damn thing? Also, even though they're making it customizable by letting you get faceplates for it, the way it is now just looks too damn plain. if I were to buy a GBA at all, I would have gotten the GBA SP classic... anyway, speaking of that, I think they should have designed this thing around the original NES controller. It's close in size anyway, why not?
Magus 86 posted on May 17 2005 at 07:33 PM said:
Ah yes, they make different MP3 players... There's more than one version of every single kind of device ever made out there... but there's a difference between the gameboy advance and the rest... the gameboy micro has no new feature. it's no different from the gba or gba SP. It's smaller than the other 2, and that's it. it's not like an MP3 player that holds more songs or has better sound quality or anything like that. It's just a smaller version, and it actually looks almost too small to be able to play comfortably. It appears to be almost smaller than the original NES controller. and could someone tell me why the start and select buttons are on the bottom of the damn thing? Also, even though they're making it customizable by letting you get faceplates for it, the way it is now just looks too damn plain. if I were to buy a GBA at all, I would have gotten the GBA SP classic... anyway, speaking of that, I think they should have designed this thing around the original NES controller. It's close in size anyway, why not?
it's a little bigger than an iPod mini which is smaller than a NES controller

but that is a good idea
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Well it doesn't have to be the exact same size, just the same general shape(rectangular box, same dimension ratio, just smaller). I'd be more likely to buy it that way... Since they're all about bringing back the old stuff right now, why not model it after the NES controller and bring back a lot older games to the GBA? It would be a novel treat for those who grew up on the NES. If I didn't suck at painting stuff, I'd try to model my GP32 after an NES controller... but I do, so I painted it the closest thing I could find to the pastel yellow that sony used on their limited edition pastel PS2's they released before the PS2's were available in America. They did the same thing with the PSP too. The color's not quite as close as I wanted it to be, but I still like it.
declaration posted on May 18 2005 at 12:22 AM said:

What does everyone think?

I like the design, and portability although will not be buying one.

Before everyone starts slagging off Nintendo, what is wrong with having a few different models of the same product aimed at different people? How many MP3 players do Sony or Apple have? Surely this is the same principle. If Nintendo can make money from the hardware, whats the problem?

Looks ok but the screen must be really tiny (compare to size of cart). It would have been better if the screen was at least the same as it is now. Also stereo speakers would have been nice. I wonder if the screen is backlit?

Looks kind of cool though.
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It is backlit, with a brightness adjustment knob.

The biggest turn-off is the size of the screen. Holy CRAP, it's small!! How are you supposed to see it, even if it is back-lit?! :lol:
I think it's pretty sweet. I always wanted a console that I could throw in my pocket comfortably and not really be too worried about it getting banged up a little. This seems like just the system for me. :D

Interchangeable faceplates will be cool, too. I just hope the price is reasonable.. I'll probably get it regardless, but, still, it's pretty old tech by now.
it's not even an improvement over the SP.
no improvement, and the cool factor will wear off quick.
Can't recall where I read it, but I believe the retail price for this is $100, with the price of sp's lowered to $50 (I believe it was either gamespot or ign)

I'm very dissapointed. Ninty did this once already with the sp (which I bought), why is it being done again!? I was hoping to see a completely new gb that would rival the psp in some aspects, though I suppose I should be happy they didn't. It would shift too much attention away from the ds. I do like the design though... Watch me buy another fucking gameboy now :blink:

not as small as I origionally thought...



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yeah, i too was hoping for a new gba altogether. looks like there won't be a real rival to the psp for some time.

btw, i read a while back that the new gba that would show at e3 would just be another remake and nothing else. you guys didn't know?
$100 is a bit much... I would think something like $70 would be much more reasonable.

It is small, but more than that, it's very thin and light, which makes it a much more comfortable thing to carry around. And a cool faceplate would make the currently somewhat bland design a lot more desirable.
Surprised no one has pointed this out, but it has also lost the GBA SP's best feature, which is that it folds up and keeps the screen protected... TRUE portability right there, that you can just throw it in a pocket, bag, etc. and never worry about any more than the outside of the case getting scratched up. This is a definate step backwards in my oppinion, and as much as I love handheld systems and my GBA's I will definately NOT be buying this. :angry: $100 is REDICULOUS for this thing. They should make a proper backlit SP instead. Or really, they should just make THE NEXT F"ING GBA!
Indeed, blah. I don't think I could have said that better myself. Technology that's what, 6 years old now? And they're gonna charge 100 bucks for a new smaller version of it? wtf? See? They're all about gimmicks. That's all Nintendo knows anymore... They should change their name to Gimmicky Bullshit, Inc. It looks like it's about as thick as a GBA SP when folded, the screen is smaller, and it's in really weird dimensions. The square shape of the GBA SP would fit in a pocket better than that thing. it's just more gimmicky bullshit. It's not more portable than the GBA SP, and like someone already mentioned, the screen is exposed now. God damn, I'm so sick of Nintendo. I wish THEY would have dissapeared from making consoles(and games, for that matter... Mario Soccer, Mario Baseball, Mario DDR? What the fuck?) instead of Sega.
It probably will... and it doesn't even have stereo sound... sucks, doesn't it?
How many MD players do Sony have?

Whenever they release a new, better one, does everybody start moaning about how they now HAVE to upgrade and that Sony should have made their model better in the first place?

no. Improvements and variations are developed over time after listening to customers. This is no different, and if Nintendo think it will sell to a new area of the market, then good luck to them.