Announcing:Vampires Dawn soon on the Pandora


Hardcore Member
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
Hi all,

With PtitSebs newest EasyRPG and the Agreement of the Vampires Dawn Team i will present a Vampires Dawn PND for the Pandora next Days.

Vampires Dawn is a nice RPG Game and many Users know about it.

When you know very nice and complete English or French RPG Maker Games i can package them to a PND too,just write me a PM.

But please see correctly on the Games you tell me because we can run only RPGMaker2000 and RPGMaker2003 Games without RTP :)
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I have to try it out!
Last time, this game was unplayable buggy with EasyRPG.
It crashes whenever i try to start a new game. Also the "load" menu entry is not grayed out (but savegames show up as corrupted).

There is no log file, so I have no idea what is causing the error.

It's similar with Chrono Alter. But this time, the game crashes when I try to speak to the guy in the first room.
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The Corruption of Savefiles is no Problem you can save with Slot 1-3 without Problems.

The other Errors are strange,PtitSeb tested as Example Lufia on a CC without Problems.

I reflashed for this Tests my Pandora @ Home today and updated the Firmware.
Had no Problems.

Can you try to Upgrade your Firmware and try the PNDs again?

When same Error then maybe something wrong with the Upload.
I will try the Download this Evening.

Maybe its only an older Firmware,because Notaz did many Updates the last Weeks. :)


I am home now and reflashed my Pandora again and updated.

Redownloaded the PNDs onto a USB Stick and they run fine.

I found only a little Error with Lufia tha i dont have an Icon in the Desktop.

All other work wonderfull here.

Maybe its because i use Fat32?

Normaly that should be no Problem.

I recommend to try a Firmware Update on your Side:

Here a little Video ^_^
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OK, then it's probably my old firmware. Also my SD card is ext formated. Thank you!

So I have to update my Pandora these days. I refused to do this for a while, since I have heavily modified my system config, but I forgot which changes I made. And the updater broke my firmware too often.
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OK, then it's probably my old firmware. Also my SD card is ext formated. Thank you!

So I have to update my Pandora these days. I refused to do this for a while, since I have heavily modified my system config, but I forgot which changes I made. And the updater broke my firmware too often.
I was keeping a textfile in a directory on my main SD card with copies of what I changed and other stuff.  At some point I missed adding some things, so after I reflashed and noticed it I just fixed what I had notes and files for, and said "screw it" for the rest.  I don't have time to dig through everything.
offtopic (changed config files): a good solution for me was cloning the Pandora git repository to keep track of local changes and rebasing them on top of new revisions. git is available through opkg (I think).
offtopic (changed config files): a good solution for me was cloning the Pandora git repository to keep track of local changes and rebasing them on top of new revisions. git is available through opkg (I think).
That may be a good idea, except installing new software on an already full internal memory. But I can clone the whole OS, no problem.

I hope there are not too many changes in the new version, or I will not be able to distinguish which of them are default and which are mine.
There is my other custom system (with newer graphics driver and some software installed via opkg). But it's worth a try.
git is also available in PND form (code blocks) taking no NAND space.
Also the "load" menu entry is not grayed out (but savegames show up as corrupted).
 That seems to be on purpose, the runscript does "touch Save01.lsd" creating a broken save.
Probably a hacky fix or so.

BTW this game also exists in English. 
And when you simply run the newer Firmware from a SD?
Just dared to upgrade on SD.

Now it runs fine, although a bit choppy on 800 Mhz. Even the bug before where you could save anywhere, has been gone.

Great work!  :D