Easyrpg Likely To Be Ported!


can't be longer than 2 months right?
Oct 20, 2003
Visit site
Even though the information is hidden well across the world wide web, I've dug my way through Google to find this today:

http://easyrpg.rpgmaker.es/wiki/ (EasyRPG Wiki) states:

Latest Subversion repository updates

Added Pandora mappings. (2009/11/29 05:50)

For those that don't know:

EasyRPG is a project that attempts to create an application similar to RPG Maker, which is a popular RPG game creating tool that does not need any knowledge about programming in order to use it.

EasyRPG is a free software project. Anyone can participate in its creation, modification, use and distribution.

EasyRPG is made to be compatible to playing RM2k / 2k3 games. This means a LOT of high quality RPGs, for example Vampires Dawn 1+2. It's also open source.

However, even though EasyRPG has been in development for YEARS, there's not much buzz and hype (at least not as much as it would deserve) going on, mainly because it is still in Alpha stages and because of the decentralized way of giving out information.
Here are some info points to hook you up:

http://twitter.com/easyrpg - Basically the most up-to-date site, in English. Gives out short informations & download & video links.
http://easyrpg.rpgmaker.es/blog/ - Official site, in Spanish only. Not the recent updates that you get on Twitter.
http://easyrpg.rpgmaker.es/forums/ - Spanish forum to this site.
http://easyrpg.rpgmaker.es/media/ - Site where they keep two interesting files: An Overview video of the PC editor and Version 500 of the EasyRPG editor & player. This one is pretty bugged though. Twitter says: "Fixed editor rendering problems on win32: test it at http://bit.ly/1XMDf0 see it at http://bit.ly/3xIiaa & http://bit.ly/1SbKDM feedback us!" but the download link for this one (here, Version 537) doesn't work anymore, sadly.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=facFfHdsEPI - A video of 28/8/09 of the current status on the GP2x version.
http://easyrpg.rpgmaker.es/bugs/ - A bugtracker.
http://easyrpg.sourceforge.net/ - The so-called official site. First hit on Google with "EasyRPG". Not much to see here and basically never updated.

The little announcement "added Pandora mappings" means they plan to port this over to our beloved handheld, right besides the GP2x and the PSP.

I think there's still a LONG road to go, but if this ever lets me play some of those perfect RPG titles that has been created for the RM2k on my Panda, you can be sure that i'll play the pandora until it breaks apart.

I hope I'm sure this excites some people over here :)
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Tensuke said:
Oh ballllllllllllllllllllllllls!!! :o
That sounds awesome, would love to play some ABL on my Panda!
ABL... I remember that from when I was still actively involved with the German Maker scene. Mind you, that was back in the days when the RTP was acceptable and you could publish a game even if it didn't have custom combat and menu systems.

I'd like to see OpenRGSS or Yao do a Pandora release but given that OpenRGSS is moving at the pace of a frozen snail on crutches and Yao is dead that's not quite likely.

(OpenRGSS is, as the name implies, an OSS implementation of RGSS, the engine behind the RPG Maker XP. Yao is an OSS next-gen maker project I was involved with, which died in the planning stages due to the team being unable to agree on anything. The one feature that would've made Yao stand out was modular scripting support – if your language of choice can be run inside Java you could've used it.)

What I'd like to see is a fully programmable maker that gives you access to OpenGL. Think of antialiased games involving pixel shaders for special effects, 3D scenes with real 3D... Hell, we could even pull off fake Mode 7.
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I think I used RPG Maker(various versions) for like 6+ years and never once came close to finishing a game ;_;
j6cubic said:
I'd like to see OpenRGSS or Yao do a Pandora release but given that OpenRGSS is moving at the pace of a frozen snail on crutches and Yao is dead that's not quite likely.

(OpenRGSS is, as the name implies, an OSS implementation of RGSS, the engine behind the RPG Maker XP.

There is another OSS implementation of RGSS: ARGSS

btw EasyRPG player (RPG_RT.exe equivalent) became a code mess. To solve it we move to a RGSS-like class structure, for the coders familiar with that API. More info about bug #48. This feature is blocker, so no brand new "emulation" features until this issue is being solved. EasyRPG editor works on a separated subproject, so it is not affected.
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