Kurukuru2x Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
nickspoon released a first version of Kurukuru2x.


It's a clone of the game Kurukuru Kururin for the GBA.

Move your stick and try not to touch any obstacles... sounds easier than it is :)

You can create your own levels.

Download: Kurukuru2x
Press the A and B buttons at the same time to Boost - hence the name of the level :)

I'm getting a problem with the Time Trial mode

SDL_GP2X: FreeHWSurface 0x2e4258
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager freeing 753664 bytes @ 0x40070b00 from bucket 0x2df148
SDL_GP2X: merging with next bucket (0x2e42c8) making 4777216 bytes
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
Nice work, Nickspoon! I've played the GBA version years ago, and this looks like you're really headed in the right direction!
Argh I managed to complete kururin for the gba but i cant manage to even pass the 2nd level at all.
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the second level indeed takes some getting used to. For those of you who cant do it, try waiting until the stick is completely horizontal at the start of the level, then press B and X and hit "right" on the joystick. then zoom through!

good game :)
Argh I managed to complete kururin for the gba but i cant manage to even pass the 2nd level at all.
I got passed it I think, but I don't think there's a 3rd level because I'm like 99% sure I passed it

Yeah, I passed both levels, and it seems that's all there currently is. It's a great tech demo, though. I'm sure it can be easily expanded upon now.
There's another post in the main GP2X talk forum where nickspoon mentions that he needs people to design levels.
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Yeah, there are only two levels at the moment, which is why I need people to make level packs. The timetrial crashing bug has been fixed, I think :)
its looking good so far nice one!

although I keep slamming my fun-stick against the narrow orifice on the second training level repeatedly...

which made me think - this is wayyyyy harder than the GBA incarnation and Kuru3 on GC.

I just think the orifice needs opening a little to allow deeper penetration by the user's rod if you could accommodate that please nickspoon :)

also i noticed you are using serenity.mod for the music? is that a 4ch tracker mod made specially for this game? if you want any additional kururin-esque music making in the style of the GBA/GC games give me a shout!
serenity.mod is just a .mod I found on the Mod archive - feel free to make your own music, so long as it's in mod format.
awesome release nickspoon! But I also find the second level madly hard. Waiting for some levelpacks ^^. Maybe I should make my own...
Need a hand designing levels??? Cool I was going to offer before I found out this was a port (so I thought there would be tons of existing ones). I'll look into it right away :)
(Finally, a way I can use my skills to contribute to the community. This progamming malarky is too hard ;) )