And The Next Console Name Is


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Jan 29, 2004
Scotland, UK
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The next handheld by gamepark is going to be called.........
*drum roll*
The GP64. Its official. I heard it from someone who was in contact with Gamepark and they released news on some of there projects.
There are no plans as of yet for their new handheld.

Just thought I'd let you know bout it.
Ganepark32 posted on Oct 12 2004 at 08:45 AM said:
I heard it from someone who was in contact with Gamepark and they released news on some of there projects.

Whoa - it doesn't get much more official than that...

... Where do I pay?
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if they are just going to add a bigger number behind it they should name it the gp1000 yeah that sounds a lot tougher! oh oh even better the GP2600 hee hee :lol:
nah they are calling it the PofGP64. I heard from my gold fishes step uncle's food provider's postman's brother's best friend' brother, whos is actually me.

I made it up because it made me feel big....
GP 64 what? MB or ram 68bit, 64ghz, 64buttons, gp(can it emulate nintendo)64 :D
I think we should just call it Arthur and be done with it. Sod the official name. Arthur Godfrey Rawlins sounds good. That way if anyone says what's that you're playing on you can say it's an AGR and really confuse the buggers.

Blimey can this thread get any more pointless? ;) hehe.

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