And Another, And Another Joy Stick Mod


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
As annoying as it sounds to many who can't stand the many new joystick mod topics created everyday. I have but ONE more to add to the ever growing collection.

In the meantime, here is another new topic how I took the end of a plastic designer toothpick and dremeled it to fit my gp2x. Its not pretty. In fact its a funky color, but the stick I created lessens the "deadzone" by more than 2/3's and it fits my flat shaped thumb. Responsiveness and comfort it what I was going for. AND it worked.

I also created 4 more extra joysticks in other colors, orange, yellow, and green.
Here it is:
My GP2x jostick mod

Like I said its not pretty but extremely more accurate and comfortable.

Perhaps we can create a sticky post for all joystick modifications.
that would be a great idea, A single centralized place to post all joystick mods for easy access and DIY help stuff. I second that.! * stands up and raises arm* :o
TJF, I really like that one. I imagine with a slim stick and smaller deadzone, the directions will be a lot easier to hit as well.
I never get tired of seeing new mods.

I don't think a sticky would be good enough. Usually there is a bunch of discussion about the mod, so if you just want to see all of the diffenent ones, you have to sift through a lot of crap.

Perhaps a new "mods" section would be nicer. It wouldn't have to necessarily be just joystick mods but include more hardware mods or gadgets.
How about a Joystick mod gallery with pics? That would be cool all pics in one spot.
you know I thought about using a thumb tack... but it just didn't work for me. I also tried to create this "nipple" looking D-Pad. Sounded good at the time... It was almost getting me excited.... Although, like makin love to a women, Control using the nipple really didn't work that well.

I also dremeled down the metal Control stem by about 2mm or so. This also helped with the deadzone.l