An absolute classic

Those books are worth absolutely 0, in any currency. Why? That's the exact same thing as wgetting a few web pages and saying you have an archive of a fraction of the entire internet, then selling it off. It cost you nothing to do that, and it cost him nothing to get those books. All can be found online in full, plaintext, a major resource is a complete archive of the Great Books of the Western World series by Britannica (Quite a collection, 60 volumes) available here.
that's very strange

no doubt more of this sort of thing would give Gamepark the edge over Nintendo! Bring on the Literature! Mario has nothing on Shakespeare!
Except in that mario's time machine game, and you know how THAT worked out...
or, as everyone here already has a deent sized smc and an internet connection, they could just download te books they want to read for free. or just not bother as it would suck reading a book off the GP32. In all the gba spirit, if u want to read a book, buy a book.
For the read a book, buy a book arguement, I have to disagree. Sure, you can get books and carry them around, but I have thousands upon thousands of pages of books (Homer's Illiad and Odessy for 2 examples) slated to go on my smc as soon as my GP32 arrives (This friday, according to ups, wheee ^.^); those books would be extremely bulky, as well as quite heavy. If you're so insistant on using that arguement, how do you think the entire community would feel if I went around saying 'Want a NES, get a NES!' or the same thing with SMS or game gear or countless others. Sure, we want them, but it's not very convenient carrying around a TV, console, controllers, cables, and a 90-lb UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply; mainly a surge protector with a battery) to be able to play just one of those consoles, let alone the space it would take to carry around the hundreds or even thousands cartridges that could fit on a single SMC
"You could easily pay up to £19 for the card alone!"

LOL anyone who plays £19 on a 32MB Card needs a Slap lol... You can get a 128MB card for that price!!! :D