Amstrad Cpc Emulator: Cap32Wiz


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Hardyx recompiled zx81's Amstrad CPC-Emulator for the gp2x (which is based on Caprice) to the WIZ.


Whoever wants to relive his old Amstrad CPC games, here you go.

EDIT: zx81 made a better working port, linked to the new version.

Download: CAP32WIZ

Thanks to for the news.
It's not a Spectrum emulator but amstrad CPC emulator. And this is not what we can call a port, it's just a re-compilation of all my gp2x version to wiz.
The author of this stuff has only modified the Makefile, added two #ifdef in cpulcd to compile it on wiz and put his name on the splash screen ...
You can't change cpu speed (it has no effect), the screen is flickering, there is no auto-run disk support (because it is a separate library not provided in my gp2x source tar ball ;) ) etc ...

For all those who likes CPC like i do, i will port my latest PSP port version very soon, with many new features :)
Hi all,

Is this the same version hardyx posted in beta testing on the 18th aug?????

because i'm getting the same problems on this latest release as i did with the above one. :(
For all those who likes CPC like i do, i will port my latest PSP port version very soon, with many new features
I'll be looking forward to that then :)
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zx-81 said:
iprice said:
For all those who likes CPC like i do, i will port my latest PSP port version very soon, with many new features
I'll be looking forward to that then :)

it should be out in few hours :P

Somnds great, another amstrad port,

we are being spoilt. Will it emulate the Amstrad GX4000?

Also do you have any info on your psp version so i can have a look to see what features this new wiz port will have?

Thanks in advance. :)
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zx-81 said:
Don Flamenco said:
Can't hardly wait, thanks ZX-81!

on my blog :) (it's time for me to go to sleep now :D )

superb zx,

works a treat, no problems to report.

you deserve your rest

many thanks B)
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beavith said:
Now see, being a youngster, i dont know any good games!

Any reccomendations?

Last time I tried it on GP2X it did not work, but perhaps compatibility improved since then? Glad to see ZX-81 supporting the Wiz, multumesc ZX! :)
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Alex. said:
Last time I tried it on GP2X it did not work, but perhaps compatibility improved since then? Glad to see ZX-81 supporting the Wiz, multumesc ZX! :)

"cu placere."

Prehistorik should work properly.
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Which version is which?
So far we've got 3 versions:,0,0,0,72,200 (Uploaded yesterday),0,0,0,72,204 (Uploaded today),0,0,0,72,205 (Also uploaded today)

Cheers, Neil
Neil L said:
Which version is which?
So far we've got 3 versions:,0,0,0,72,200 (Uploaded yesterday),0,0,0,72,204 (Uploaded today),0,0,0,72,205 (Also uploaded today)

Cheers, Neil

Version uploaded yesterday is not mine ... And the two other versions are the same (i've posted it two times due to bad "refresh" of my web navigator and i haven't seen any button to delete a post)
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Thanks for this awesome emulator ZX-81, and thanks iPrice for the recomendations!

by the way, somebody here has played Alien for the Amstrad CPC? I tried it on the wiz but is unplayable without a keyboard... but it looks awesome! Is a good game or it only looks like a good one?