Amstrad CPC Emulation


Casual gamer
Apr 4, 2012
Hi, in regards to Amstrad CPC emulators there is one called "Caprice32"  (probably the only existing emulator).

For some reason, the pnd doesn't even show up in minimenu even though I put it on the sd card. Any ideas, why?

Did you get this from the repo :

or the old and crusty openhandheld page? :,0,0,0,72,115

The openhandheld page has the PND in a zip file that has a directory structure of pandora/apps/  so if you just unzipped it to one of the  proper directories like pandora/apps, pandora/menu or pandora/desktop directory it would create a directory mess like pandora/apps/pandora/apps/ or pandora/menu/pandora/apps/

If you got it on the official then just try to redownload it.. I've got both working fine once placed in the correct directory.
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Hello and thanks for the hint, now I can start the emulator.

2 questions for use:

- How can you stretch the game to fullscreen?

- What can I do about the sound (stall) problems?

Thanks again
What sound/stall problems are you having?  It seems to be running fine on my GHz Pandora, even clocked down to 600Mhz.

As for the screen scaling, it seems fine to me, but then I don't mind black bars if it means games are not stretched weirdly.
Note also that PanMESS claims to support the CPC464plus and CPC6128plus.  Those machines will run /most/ CPC464 software fine, as I understand it, plus they'll run GX4000 carts.  FWIW, I can't get any CPCplus discs or carts running in Caprice32.

I say PanMESS claims this since I can't get it to work yet.  I've given it the bios, but I can't figure out the directory name for Amstrad CPCplus images.  Also, the documentation link is broken.