Amiga! (winuae)


Oct 4, 2005
Liverpool, UK
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Hi everyone,

This is probably the wrong place to post such a thing, but you know when you're stuck at your brother's house in Manchester, it's three in the morning, and all you want to do is play Alien Breed? Well that is just such my predicament. Except I've never played Alien Breed, I just really really want to. And several other Amiga games too, such as Turrican and the like.

My problem is, I have never owned nor operated an Amiga. I thought emulation would be the best way to go about it, and from Wikipedia research, WinUAE seemed to be the one to go for. Now I have no idea what I'm doing with it. I can get as far as "Insert Disk Two". Anyone know how to do this with WinUAE? And does anyone know how to configure a control pad? I managed to load up Turrican, but got stuck at "Press Fire To Start". There's an input menu, but nothing seems to happen there.

Sorry for posting this here, but I really wasn't in the mood to join a whole new Amiga board just to get laughed at and go through that hideous "n00b" phase again (how I hate that terminology...)

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps? Yes?
Thanks :unsure:
TwoHeadedBoy said:
I am issuing a formal apology for this post: I was tired and emotional and this seemed like the only "place" where I could vent such feelings. Sorry, gang.
No reason to apologise dude! I have used WinUAE in the past but not for ages so I could not remember the way it works. A bit late now, but I think you press F12 to bring up the 'menu dialog' box where you can set your key preferences, insert new disks into the drives etc .. However, this has all probably changed since i last used it!
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