Amiga Emulator


Trooper`s watching you !!!
Apr 20, 2003
The DarkSide (London)
Visit site
This is old news, As you can see from the date of the post in the link and a lot of you may already know about this.

But if you read the post/news, It says that they are doing two versions of winfellow. The original (assembler version) and "one version where portions of the code have been ported to C". Now, I am not a coder in any sense of the word, But i do know that asm code is a hell of a lot faster than C will ever be on the same hardware. Well, Considering that they are porting portions of winfellow to C, Could/does this enhance our chances of ever seeing an amiga emulator appear on our beloved GP32.

What do any coders think ?

I think porting PocketUAE which is already optimised for handheld devices (most of which that use ARM chips like the GP32) would be a better idea as I believe WinFellow's assembler is for the X86 architecture, so we would have to use the C version, which would be very slow.
I need to play some Amiga games on my GP32 :P Blues Brothers, Dragons Lair etc etc will kick ASS :D..