The Ur-quan Masters (star Control 2)


Jun 8, 2004
Las Vegas, NV USA
Could someone make a GP32 port of the classic PC space game "Star Control 2?" Full source code in C and entire game content (originally from 3DO version) is available free from For those who are unfamiliar with this, Fred Ford and Paul Reich III, who wrote Star Control 2 for Accolade own complete rights to all the game content, except the name "Star Control." They have since released the source code and content under the general public license, and there is currently a free PC version available. This game originally ran at 320 x 240, with only two buttons and a controller. This is a classic GP32 title waiting to happen!
A few things: music is thankfully in mod format iirc, one could ignore the ogg bonus packs. However, game is in a weird pc resolution I think, and might need some tweaking. Oh, and it's SDL. So porting should really be quite easy! I'd personally like to play this on the GP32. The menus are still joystick-based at the moment, no mouse usage at all and simple controls. It indeed lends itself well. Only drawback: it's a fairly big project. Perhaps not LBAVM large, but still not a one-night instaport thing.
Yeah, I think the original PC version was 320 x 200, but the 3DO version was 320 x 240, which is exactly the display size of a GP32. The project is definitely not small, but perhaps someone could start out with just the Melee portion. The PC had a single player campaign, but also a melee only game which features the game's combat with either a computer opponent, or a second player. I think a cool feature might be to have 2 player melee games with the wireless adapter.
Optional packs are a no-go. Might have to check how much memory the SDL version takes up, but I think at the very least, without sound, it should run. With sound is still a very good possibility.

I looked through the SDL code and parts of the original code and everything looks fine as far as I can tell. There are a fair number of hacks for Linux and WIN32 (and one for OSX), but it seems they did give alternatives for other systems.

This port has been requested multiple times (that project has been around for a while), but nothing has been done so far unfortunately :(
As far as the melee version goes, Star Control 1 is available for the Sega Genesis... ;)

I'd be very happy if this game were ported to the GP32... it's one of the most original games ever made, IMO. :D

The game itself is huge, though, so I don't know who would do it... maybe somebody from the Star Control community would be interested in learning how to program on the GP32? :rolleyes:
Hmm, forgot about the memory footprint but anything designed for 3do should run, right? ;) Without music that is. As for SDL timers, ouch, perhaps they can be ported, but I haven't seen Chui around lately :(