Apple 2 Gs Emulator?


Certified Guru
Nov 4, 2003
Czech Republic
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There are already many great emulators for the GP32 and though it would be cool to have an Amiga 500 emulator there too, I doubt the resulting speed (at least at 133MHz).
As I have been browsing the museum of Old Computers, I stumbled upon one of the Apple 2 computers which may be a good one to have emulated and maybe more possible than the Amiga. I personally have no experience with creating emulators, so its just an idea. Here are the specs of Apple 2 GS.
The games for this system are similar to those for Amiga 500 or Atari ST, including Dungeon Master and Out of This World..
I seem to remember seeing that there weren't many IIGS emulators due to difficulty in getting information on all the little bits and pieces.

I do know there are some IIGS emulators that are done in SDL; they could be ported if you were insane and wanted to deal with coding the interface and disk image loading code.
WhiteFalcon posted on Sep 21 2004 at 08:45 AM said:
There are already many great emulators for the GP32 and though it would be cool to have an Amiga 500 emulator there too, I doubt the resulting speed (at least at 133MHz).
As I have been browsing the museum of Old Computers, I stumbled upon one of the Apple 2 computers which may be a good one to have emulated and maybe more possible than the Amiga. I personally have no experience with creating emulators, so its just an idea. Here are the specs of Apple 2 GS.
The games for this system are similar to those for Amiga 500 or Atari ST, including Dungeon Master and Out of This World..

The IIGS would be possible but not with sound. That Ensonique chip would not be possible to emulate on a GP32. The CPU in the GS would be easy as it was weaker than the St and Amigas 68000. Amiga, also no way too many custom chips.

Apple II is certainly possible and would be quite easy. The C64 and Atari computers were more sophisticated and the GP32 handles those fine. The thing is the Apple II is so bad compared with C64 and Atari 800 so I don't think anyone would do it.
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