Alternatives To Html


Dec 27, 2003
Visit site
does anyone know of a good free alternative to make web pages? i know HTML but it gets boring after the first ten pages.

my site's gonna be awsome :D
Ultimately everything that gets displayed on your page gets interpreted into HTML.
For example you could code your site using CSS - but it will be sent to the browser as HTML. Either way you gotta code. CSS rocks for making yuour site easy to update - but its a whole new thing to learn.

So I guess you want some kind of WYSIWYG editor like dreamweaver - make the page much like a word document.
CSS doesn't get "sent" to the browser as HTML, browsers have to implement CSS interpretation themselves. just to clear this up. and geo12, patience and enthusiasm are the only things that will get you through boring ours of HTML coding. or WYSIWYG editors, but those suck and produce ugly code. :p
Do you use a decent HTML editor? It saves you a lot of time if you can simply click the tags you want to use (at least in the beginning, later you'll notice you do everything by hand). WYSIWYG editors suck, you never get what you see (at least not in different browsers) and they produce tons of code for the simplest things, maintaining that code will be a b***h.

I used to use 1stPage, it's (IMO) a pretty nice freeware HTML-editor, easy to use, you can click the tags, color-coding etc. Still plain HTML but just a few little tools to make life easier.

At least be creative and use a less annoying/bloated content management system like e107 or xoops (append .org to the end of those for URLs).

Or just use FrontPage (avoiding FP-specific extensions), Dreamweaver or whatever, but then run it through TIDY ( ) to make the HTML/CSS nice again whilst cutting kilobytes out of your code :D