Looking for new hosting and I need help


Apr 18, 2007
Visit site
As the title says. My current host is shit. Site's too slow, a fair bit of downtime etc. So any suggestions on a new host. Cheap is preferred, also I'm a total web development noob (was going to use the word nonce as I don't like noob...then looked up what it meant). So, back on track, my requirements are. Cheap, fast, good space limit(>200MB <- It'll be used for hosting my games to), good traffic limit(>2000/month) and the ability to install Joomla. Cheers!
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dont get what atomicthumb advises, i swear he picks the worst hosts
I've been with penguinhost for a few years, and I'm quite happy with them. The pro account looks like it matches your requirements, though I'm not sure how "cheap" you meant.

joomla is installable from their built-in cpanel/fantastico admin panel effortlessly.
I use dreamhost, it's not the perfect host, but at 120$/year for unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space, a domain name, unlimited number of sub-domains, lots of 1 click installer (joomla included), unlimited number of e-mail accounts, you can even deploy SVN or CVS repos, or a jabber server…

I think it's a pretty good deal, and the only time my website was down for more than a few minutes, it was because of a massive DDOS attack and a failing router combined
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O2 broadband, static IP and a core 2 duo sever in the basement :P can't beat DIY, especially for the drive space and being able to admin everything.

I agree… but it's a pain and/or pricey to get a static IP in some place.

And you'll need the knowledge to have a secured server.

For some people, it's better to get a ready-to-use hosting.
Yeah, luckily o2/be are pretty good with ips, could have 3 if we wanted, could ditch the proxy serve then. Its worth doing though as lord of hosting companies will treat you like crap with money taped to it :)