All working GP-DOOM TCs


Still Fresh
Nov 21, 2003
Ok, it took me some time but now i think i got IT.
IT means ALL Total Convertion working with GP-DOOm v.9.
I checked several webpages ( , ... ), got every damn TC and tested it with GP-DOOM V.9. afterwards renaming the wads - files starting with '1' are for doom 1, guess what files starting with a "2" are for - was easy ;)
If i miss any Total Convertion which works, just drop me a note.

Created a small page, check it here.
i think site was down temp.
provider related i guess.
About the TCs which did not work, because of...
1. Deh support required
2. TCs were split up in more than one wad
3. Require an advanced engine like zDoom or JDoom

I think 1. and 2. is not to hard to implement in GP-Doom,
someone do that please ;)
hum... it's not so simple... some sprites are not support in gpdoom v9 because deh is not supported.
it's why i'm making port..
fantastic work maniax !

the gp32 magazine is looking for articles - this would be a great list of stuff to add i think

just wanted to say i really appreciate the effort you've gone to, nice one !
thanx :)
falken80: that sounds good, you are doing a doom port ? Anything more to say ?
Hi there again.
Created a small with new WADS udpated page.
Check the first topic for the link.
Have fun.