All In One Program


Is there an all in one program out there which will decode(a un copyrighted) dvd and re-encode it as avi,, preferable with a option to change divx settings,, ?? or do i still have to use several programs,, i cant find it in any current topics..
dvd2svcd ( ) can do DVD to avi - despite the name;) unsure if you can tweak the avi encoding - but I imagine its possible...
Yes, you CAN convert to ANY codec with DVDX.
Its much better than any comercial software.

(abeit it has soooo many features that its pretty complicated)

And guess what .... ITS FREEWARE!

Just google it
Im also of the opinion, that DVDx is the way to go. IMO its the most easy to use program available, and it also allows you to convert copy-protected films (most of them) to MPEG1, MPEG2 and AVI