Alien Storm On Latest Mame


Active Member
May 9, 2006
I've been dying to play this on MAME GP2X for ages now, but have never been able to get it running.

In the latest Version of MAME GP2X (4.1.) it appears in the gameslist.txt:
astormbl "Alien Storm (bootleg)"

But after getting my hands on different versions, using clrmame and just about anything else I could think of I have given up. All I get is a black screen.

The question is, Has anyone actually got this game working on the GP2X?!
Lobo said:
I've been dying to play this on MAME GP2X for ages now, but have never been able to get it running.

In the latest Version of MAME GP2X (4.1.) it appears in the gameslist.txt:
astormbl "Alien Storm (bootleg)"

But after getting my hands on different versions, using clrmame and just about anything else I could think of I have given up. All I get is a black screen.

The question is, Has anyone actually got this game working on the GP2X?!
It appears on the list, it loads but it does not work, sorry :( .
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Thanks for confirming my doubts Franxis: I wont waste any more time experimenting with it.

Jaylink, I can also play it on the sega emus, but I wanted the Mame version.