Acidwarp Port

Couldn't somebody change it easily enough to use CHN's modlib for the modplaying, and have a mod file selector (such as Oankali's)? I see the
source. I was thinking on it. But if its a whole lot of crap that I'd have to
do, I wouldn't bother.
mr.mirko posted on Dec 8 2004 at 06:24 PM said:
One little hint, you are loading the modfile to malloc ed memory, start playing the modfile
and then free the modfile memory ...
You should remove the free modfile, and it schould run...

Sorry for the long silence. Illness.

Well, I can't remember at this point why I put in the free() call. I imagine it stemmed from a misunderstanding about how the mod loading worked.

However, when I was still puzzling this all out, I put this modfile in the demo player that came with the SDK and had the same issue. Also I had the same problem in this program when the modfile was still a static array.

In fact, it was when I added external file loading -- with the free() call -- that the problem went away for me.

-- Kal
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