About Snes Emulation

Having a wishlist of devs for a project is all well and good, but you might want to try seeing if they're even interested in the project first ;)

This is not paid work (well, donations apart), so devs work on what interests them at any given time. Saying "this needs working on, do that" is unlikely to go down well :)
fusion_power said:
This could be the most effective way to build a good piece of software. Instead of every dev makes his own thing here and there, the pro's could merge their power and focus only on one Emulator per time. When finished, the next emu/program can be optimized and so on. I think this can bring much more than the "old" method. :)
Yes, that is also my experience from the IT business - That if you put a lot of people coding on the same software, it will always come out as a lean, mean software machine and never as an overcomplicated kludge of incompatible coding styles. This is because invariably, whenever an organisation needs to farm out different bits of coding to different people, they always pick an experienced coder/designer as the head of the coding group, and never the boss's nephew. Ain't I right?

Besides, nothing motivates a coder more than knowing that everyone else is also doing the same thing at the same time, and noone else is attempting to one-up you.

...Sarcastic? Me? :)
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Coder said:
fusion_power said:
cowai said:
"ZODTTD + Exophase + Notaz + Squidge = SNES" is maybe the coolest thing I've ever imagined!
Make us proud :lol:
This could be the most effective way to build a good piece of software. Instead of every dev makes his own thing here and there, the pro's could merge their power and focus only on one Emulator per time. When finished, the next emu/program can be optimized and so on. I think this can bring much more than the "old" method. :)

The problem with that approach, is that the devs are spread over quite a few time zones. Getting together to hash things out, even virtually, can be a problem.

I've worked on projects before where you just can't get on with coding because you're waiting for something from someone who is sleeping. By the time they've woken up, done a days work and then done whatever you're waiting for, you're busy at work. Finally you sit down to use whatever it is, and have a question you need answered about it. But the other guy's asleep again (lazy swine), so you send an email that he'll pick up when he wakes.

Rinse and repeat for every little thing and it can be downright discouraging. So while you're waiting you start working on something on your own, and it's so much easier that you pretty much lose interest in the original project.

Interesting point of view. You could be right. Damn, why our Planet can't have one time zone, of course middle europe time. :lol:
So GP2X coders are always lone wolfs forever? Hm, ok they had done great things alone so maybe its working. ^^" When Microsoft would let only one person code Windows, maybe then it would be the perfect OS? XD

@Moxie: somehow my english is to bad to understand your post so I simply say "YES" ... ^^""
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If only I had more free time. I've got a BoB, C++ experience, (I'll get a serial cable for remote debug), and a hankering for a fast SNES emu.

One more dev can't hurt right? (AHAHAHHAHAHHA! :lol: )

Indeed, more coders make more code. Not necessarily BETTER code.
cowai said:
"ZODTTD + Exophase + Notaz + Squidge = SNES" is maybe the coolest thing I've ever imagined!
Make us proud :lol:
Squidge + Notaz + Exophase + Zodttd = SNEZ :eek: :eek:
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krosfyah said:
cowai said:
"ZODTTD + Exophase + Notaz + Squidge = SNES" is maybe the coolest thing I've ever imagined!
Make us proud :lol:
Squidge + Notaz + Exophase + Zodttd = SNEZ :eek: :eek:

Quoted, because the acronym fits!
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Squidge was actually mentioning zsnes. Some might say porting zsnes would only make sense for me since it gets my initial at the front. Though it does open up another developer with a "S" at the start of their name. ;P
I have always wondered why the gp2x community seems to have no common project pages or SVN repos (or equiv).

I am part of the openembedded project and I must say having patches and build recipes etc all under source control is so much nicer as it means anyone with an itch can jump into development.

I mainly stay away from gp2x development as I don't have time to chase all the various patches, source tarballs, magic keypresses etc.

I'm sure having a more open system of development would mean less load on the big 4/5 of gp2x emu development. I know I could jump in find/fix bugs when I had a spare minute.
Considering every project is completely upto whoever starts the project, it's up to them how they wish to distribute there source code. Some people use CVS, some use SVN, and others just host zip's of there source code. We can't really force people to use a certain method, as that would just discourage people (or just ignore completely and go there own way)
I think ZSNES is great and all. But all the tricky parts are in x86 assembly...

SNEZ. It fits.

RL is currently consuming my time, but I'll step in to lend a hand if I can.

The first thing I think, I'll take a look at how hard it would be to split out the SPC700 code into a self-contained 940 'thread'.

-As it looks like not TOO hard of a thing, and will give a nice performance boost (some kind of boost).
The Nintendo DS has an excellent SNES emulator called SNEmulDS.

It makes use of both the ARM9 and ARM7; the ARM7 takes care of the SPC700 sound processing.

Perhaps the source code may be useful?