Abandonned Games On Gp32

wait, but could they do that? doesnt gamepark fund the developing of those games? why wouldn't they want to release it?
Craig said they dont have a whole lot of money, they probably dropped funding untill they've saved up enough or untill the euro launch comes and they actually start making more money.
Dozer posted on Feb 29 2004 at 06:00 PM said:
Bollox, i was lookin forward to Holeman battle race. and Radium looks so sweet!
These two games are finished, just waiting to be sold.
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Meonlyeviler posted on Feb 29 2004 at 07:16 PM said:
They finished Radium, but weren't able to contact GamePark about releasing it. :(
In fact they contacted Game Park, since GP has a version of Radium... The problem is with Game Park... or with the quality of the game ;)
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declaration posted on Feb 29 2004 at 08:49 PM said:
Meonlyeviler posted on Feb 29 2004 at 07:16 PM said:
They finished Radium, but weren't able to contact GamePark about releasing it. :(
Thats the worst thing ever.......
Radium looked like a good prospect. I wish GamePark would get their act sorted out. If they had a good quality english language game on JoyGP, or any other site, it would sell
The quality of radium is very bad.....
I ve played this game 2 month ago, gfx and animation are very poor!

Gp32 need games but i think radium is not good enough.
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Dice conquest
Goddess saga
Holeman battle race
Strange father's Country
Wing of soul

All looked very good

And Bloody Cross and Pinball Fantasies are still down for a release arnt they?
The Mole posted on Feb 29 2004 at 08:29 PM said:
Dice conquest
Goddess saga
Holeman battle race
Strange father's Country
Wing of soul

All looked very good

And Bloody Cross and Pinball Fantasies are still down for a release arnt they?
what pinball fantasies a sequal to pinball dreams or somtin? lol

if it is i wouldn't be too sure about fantasies, due to GameParks dislike of Pinball Dreams
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Pinball Fantasies is already finished and the developer (LogikState) waits for the right time to release it (because Pinball Dreams didn't sell too well).
Originally, they wanted to release it together with the Euorpean Launch...
get bahmut lagoon for snes! Its great :o)

Love the look of that side scrolling thing, looks like it was 2 player aswell

deanollive posted on Mar 1 2004 at 04:44 AM said:
get bahmut lagoon for snes! Its great :o)

Love the look of that side scrolling thing, looks like it was 2 player aswell

bahamut lagoon has nothing to do with this discussion, and there are othr RPGs than squaresoft you know ;D
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Just seen the abandoned games, radium looked good, abit like a gp32 metal gear solid, oh well, back to mya mya rocket <_<
Some sweet looking stuff - Radium looks particularly good - kind of like TombRadier....
Gotta love that insert credit interview, when do you plan on having a flash player 3Q 2003, I'm GLAD it was released <_<
Wing of Soul totally looks like Breath of Fire!
If gamepark had released all of these as $10 or less JoyGP games, I'm sure they would have lots more money in there pockets and could afford some bigger titles, because there system would have been considered alive instead of another dead console with a good homebrew scene. But there is NOTHING wrong with the gp32's homebrew scene, it's actually a very good thing :)
Gamepark isn't in a position to be picky with there games.