Abandonned Games On Gp32


Certified Guru
Feb 6, 2003
Here you can found pictures of lots of abandonned game on GP, or also unrelesed games (most of the time blocked by GamePark :()
argh some of those games look really nice :(
hope we get more "playable" games with the europe launch
The Hello Kitty Party game was actually turned into Hany Party game before it was released.
Meonlyeviler posted on Feb 29 2004 at 07:16 PM said:
They finished Radium, but weren't able to contact GamePark about releasing it. :(
that sucks! so its just gona sit there? a completed game? Its things like this that could do with leaking... <_<
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Splinter posted on Feb 29 2004 at 02:46 PM said:
Godess saga looks amazing, hope someone continues it
It's a consumer product it's unlikely they'd give the source away on a game that was being made to sell for actual money. They said in a previous news post that it was being postponed, not discontinued. I have to asume its so that they can sell some of their PC games anc gain capital to finance more games.
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Meonlyeviler posted on Feb 29 2004 at 07:16 PM said:
They finished Radium, but weren't able to contact GamePark about releasing it. :(
Thats the worst thing ever.......
Radium looked like a good prospect. I wish GamePark would get their act sorted out. If they had a good quality english language game on JoyGP, or any other site, it would sell
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