A world without ad's

What would the world be without ads

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Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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a discussion started in this thread : about ad blockers, made me realize the world would be a better place without ads. It's strange that there are more and more ads, the world has become a lot smaller due to traveling but also through internet. A lot of people have instant access to other people's opinions. So I would say companies should be able to rely only on 'word of mouth'. Wouldnt it be great to have a ban on all advertisement then the only thing companies should do is make a great product and people will tell it to each other.


I guess there would be a whole differnt look in a lot of area's look only at how cities would look, but also what music we would listen, what we would eat, how big companies would become and how they no longer could be as arrogant "look at us we are the best( and we'll screw you)"
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Say goodbye to television and say goodbye to 99% of freely available internet content (Youtube, Sourceforge, etc.)
Say goodbye to television and say goodbye to 99% of freely available internet content (Youtube, Sourceforge, etc.)

Well that's because companies now have the option to advertise, If they hadn't the money would go somewhere. And there always would be a hobbist entrpeneur that would put money into tv or internet.
It's fun to see that the doctrine right now apperantly is

no advertisement = no income

And that it already is 'difficult' to think about an alternative
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For most things you have a choice, and that's a good thing. If you want to watch a TV show for free (with the exception of licence fee in the UK of course), you sit through ads every fifteen minutes. If you want to watch without ads, fine: buy the boxset. You can listen to an album for free with ads through a service like Spotify, or you can go and buy it.

I agree with the point raised in the other thread, though, that when bees start flying around your screen attaching themselves to your cursor it's too far. Internet advertising should be discreet and where possible have an option to opt out.
For most things you have a choice, and that's a good thing. If you want to watch a TV show for free (with the exception of licence fee in the UK of course), you sit through ads every fifteen minutes. If you want to watch without ads, fine: buy the boxset. You can listen to an album for free with ads through a service like Spotify, or you can go and buy it.

I agree with the point raised in the other thread, though, that when bees start flying around your screen attaching themselves to your cursor it's too far. Internet advertising should be discreet and where possible have an option to opt out.

It just keeps getting more intrusive because it is so ubiquitous you stop noticing it, so 'they' start pushing it in your face.
It just keeps getting more intrusive because it is so ubiquitous you stop noticing it, so 'they' start pushing it in your face.
That kind of advertising I hate, absolutely.

Advertisement is based on lie. That's what bothers me.
Only when the products are crap :P But there wouldn't be much point in paying to tell everyone how awful it is, would there?
It would be a relieve to see "We at apple aim to make a sexy phone, that can not do everything but can do quite some stuff in a good way, and we won't let you do everything that you want on it because we do not trust you can handle our device fully"

Or "this new ingredients make it taste almost the same but a bit different so we can change the packaging and make you think you buy something better actually its just a bit cheaper to produce"
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Internet website ads are ok for me, because I understand they pay the bills. The ads I hate though is anything popping up, making noise, redirecting where I'm going, or blocking or interfering the content I'm trying to see. There are many lies in ads also but I just think that makes you more savvy in life if you've been had a time or two.
It could be done...

The amount of money wasted on advertising, would be reflected in much lower costs of items.

A razor for example... More and more people would go with the sharp longer lasting blades, and far less would go for the Name-brand that is designed to fail earlier, so as to increase sales.

Unfortunately, due to those who write the laws! They are constantly approached by corporate lobbyists with to ensure their constant flow of money...(can anyone say RIAA).

In effect those with money make sure they get more. Only people who get excited about the laws tend to do anything to change them. Those people do tend to be extremists.. one side or the other. When a something much simpler would have sufficed... (have your heard of PETA or Greenpeace?) I love what they do, just wish they would tone it down a bit, so their voice would not be drown out by mass media, and their quick take on the topic.

In short, nothing short of REVOLUTION will change anything. (okay maybe I'm a little cynical)

I will not be holding my breath... but I will use the firefox addon called noscript to add an optout in my headers !!!!
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