second exodous
Advanced Member
Oh come on, that is a bunch of B freaking S, you honestly believe that?Say goodbye to television and say goodbye to 99% of freely available Internet content (Youtube, Sourceforge, etc.)
Lets take TV first. I PAY FOR TV THROUGH SATELLITE, WHY THE FREAK DO I HAVE TO WATCH ADS!!! Only PBS should be put free over the air and maybe a channel for news, the news channel might be able to have ads. I hate TV news anyway, trash, just do news through print.
Internet hosting is dirt cheap, I have a friend that used to have a web hosting company and he had to close it down because it just wasn't worth it to him dropping prices so low. Anyone can tell you that, even a site that gets millions of hits doesn't cost much to host. Downloads can be done with P2P, let the users pay the bill.
Ads on the net are there because people are GREEDY, not because it is expensive to host. There are sites that need to pay staff but they should have sponsors that don't have whack the monkey or things following my pointer around or pop up ads. 99.9% of the ads on the Internet are not needed, the other .1% don't need to have me whacking monkeys or have things following me around. They shouldn't even be animated, they should be static pictures or text ads.
I know people will argue with this but if we needs ads then we need to change the Internet. Ads on my Sattilite TV just sucks, does not make any sense. I'd pay for specific channels if it meant no ads on those channels. I'd pay for individual episodes I like if it wasn't for the DRM.