A Query And A Question

Firstly, how do I disable the transparency layer in SquidgeSNES. I can't seem to find it in the readme and using the forum search function seems to prioritize "SNES" making the results far too numerous to weed through. I did it by accident once button mashing. (The shame of it all.)

And last, which of the three NES emulators is my best bet? FishyNES ran painfully slow and seems to be very minimal in terms of tweaking settings, and seems to be impossible without the aid of my computer. I'm guessing my options are GPFCE or NES2X, but again, I'm new and don't know better. Searching the forum for this proved difficult as well.

Wait, damnit, there's a third question. I can get Terranigma running without sound, but whenever I enable it the game won't boot. The wiki says it works with sound, so I'm wondering what the settings are that people are using to get these results.

I'm sure after the first week of me owning this thing, the stupid questions will die down. Thanks in advance.

Edit: In retrospect, I should have put this in the help forum. Apologies.
1) either use the transhack option in the setting for "fake" transparencies, or hold both volume butttons together and press A/B/X/Y to disable each layer.

2) I prefer GPFCE.

3) Try "enable audio hack" option (switch either on or off)