Heya, Question.


Oct 10, 2005
I wanted to get a GP2X way back when it first came out, but certain issues last season kept me from getting one right when it came out. When I finally had the month later I had heard from many people even here saying to wait til it stabilizes.

The time has come, a year later to purchase one. Christmas money and all, for the first time I'm getting it and not giving it it seems. Anyway,

My question is, I see two different models on gp2x.co.uk .. a regular and a power version that runs at 266 Mhz.

My question is, obviously the 266 Mhz will affect the battery life a bit, and I'm also hearing that some emulators allow to overclock anyway.

I just want to know in general if I should pick up the 266 Mhz version or the regular one right now.

I'd also love to know how the unit has progressed since it came out, I'm lurking as well obviously so I'm not demanding repeats of things already said a million times over. If it seems that way I apologize.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated...I'd like to make the right decision. I've still heard alot of bad things about battery life and other things.

Primarily I'd like to be playing Super Nintendo, Nintendo, and Mame. I know I'm not the only one. I read that it plays decently on SNES, but I was wondering if that's with or without sound.

Any help would be appreciated thanks. ^^;

Edit: Just found out XVid is on the list at the official site, n/m. Original Post modified.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 23 2006 at 09:22 PM said:
I would. It's always nice having that extra ability to overclock higher available if you need it.

Well, I guess my question would be then, can the better model underclock when not in need of that extra power?

Also, will the emulators require that I have the better processor.

Then again, another issue comes up... shipping from the UK is very expensive. I think I may get the lesser model just because the shipping is so high... x_x;;;
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it is the same model, just guaranteed to over clock to 266mhz, it will run at 200mhz at default, like every other unit.
Go for the 266mhz one f you want to play things that require a over clock to be fast and the extra money isn't a big issue for you.
Vimacs posted on Dec 23 2006 at 09:33 PM said:
it is the same model, just guaranteed to over clock to 266mhz, it will run at 200mhz at default, like every other unit.
Go for the 266mhz one f you want to play things that require a over clock to be fast and the extra money isn't a big issue for you.

Ah, ^^;;;

I wish they sold it on other sites...only gp2x.co.uk seems to have it. I can't afford to pay that much for shipping so I guess I'll be going for the regular model :(

Either way, I think I have all the answers I need now. Thanks ^_^
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I got the $169 package, and mine overclocks to more than 270 mhz, this one is a lucky draw, you can get one like my unit as many others did, but it is granted you will get smething that can at least overclock to 245 mhz, these guys ship quickly, give you a $5 to $15 discount coupon when you recieve your unit that you can give to someone here to use it if you wont, and some wiered candy. Again Play-asia ships really quick, and they are much cheaper than any shop in Europe, I guess that you can have your unit before new year if you ordered now.
Mine only goes to the standard 240mhz, but I am satisfied with it, and especially with the money I saved buying from Play-Asia, although if you live in the US like me I think its cheaper to buy from one of the new US stores.
Mine goes to around 275 Mhz havent tried any higher. I got it from www.gp2x.de only few weeks ago. :)
Some people say that gamepark started to make gp2x's so they can be overclocked to 266 or 275 Mhz, but I dont know if its true. :blink:
Blah posted on Dec 23 2006 at 11:33 PM said:
Mine only goes to the standard 240mhz, but I am satisfied with it, and especially with the money I saved buying from Play-Asia, although if you live in the US like me I think its cheaper to buy from one of the new US stores.

Indeed, I think I plan to buy from the new official gp2x us store.. save on the shipping costs.

It sucks that its the luck of the draw as far as processors go though. :(
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Auritribe posted on Dec 24 2006 at 12:03 AM said:
Indeed, I think I plan to buy from the new official gp2x us store.. save on the shipping costs.

It sucks that its the luck of the draw as far as processors go though. :(

Yeah, but at least by buying from the us store you still have a chance of a good overclock ability - with gbax, if you don't splash out on the 266MHz one you're pretty screwed :P

Also, overclock isn't TOO important - my (mk1) only clocks to 245MHz tops, but it runs most stuff pretty well. Some emulators and programs can use all the power you can give them - GBA in particular, some NeoGeo roms, Quake/Descent, Retrovirus RTS & Payback are the things I can think of right now. Maybe some SNES/NES roms. Apart from that, most everything should run ok at 240MHz or less - many programs at a lot less.

I'm sure some people will correct me on that list..
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sehs33 posted on Dec 23 2006 at 04:32 PM said:
I got the $169 package, and mine overclocks to more than 270 mhz, this one is a lucky draw, you can get one like my unit as many others did, but it is granted you will get smething that can at least overclock to 245 mhz, these guys ship quickly, give you a $5 to $15 discount coupon when you recieve your unit that you can give to someone here to use it if you wont, and some wiered candy. Again Play-asia ships really quick, and they are much cheaper than any shop in Europe, I guess that you can have your unit before new year if you ordered now.

Yeah, I got mine from Play-Asia and it shipped from Asia to the U.S. in about 2.5 days.... really quick.
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