A Portable Named Rogue

Think about someone joining a meeting/ sitting in the train with this ridiculously big gameboy with all those colourful buttons on it.
This monster doesn't remind me of a table PC. Where is the touch-sensitive surface? Or at least a keyboard?
dr.no posted on May 25 2004 at 10:07 AM said:
What is the man on the bottom left holding on that picture? Is that the actual size?
That, my friend, would be a gp32.

This thing is like a chopping tray, I hate it.
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If you ever actually used a tablet, you would relize this isnt that bad... but you havnt , have ya? NO
and if anyone read the website or watched the movie, all you ignorant people would see IT DOES HAVE TOUCHSCREEN!
jeez, dont think its stupidty on your part, just ignorance
and It isnt something you would wip out on the train to play a game on ( less you really love that game )
its just a nother form of laptop that is heavily pointed at games
You would put this in the bay and hook up your monitor and mouse and keyboard
and the only differance is that you can take this with you ( ahh, LAN parties rock, specially at my house )


and its not a handheld everyone, its a PC , laptop , tablet
Octavious posted on May 25 2004 at 02:14 PM said:
If you ever actually used a tablet, you would relize this isnt that bad... but you havnt , have ya? NO
and if anyone read the website or watched the movie, all you ignorant people would see IT DOES HAVE TOUCHSCREEN!
jeez, dont think its stupidty on your part, just ignorance
and It isnt something you would wip out on the train to play a game on ( less you really love that game )
its just a nother form of laptop that is heavily pointed at games
You would put this in the bay and hook up your monitor and mouse and keyboard
and the only differance is that you can take this with you ( ahh, LAN parties rock, specially at my house )


and its not a handheld everyone, its a PC , laptop , tablet
well said, that's what I said about the video <_<
calm down a bit though :P
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Octavious posted on May 25 2004 at 02:14 PM said:
If you ever actually used a tablet, you would relize this isnt that bad... but you havnt , have ya? NO
and if anyone read the website or watched the movie, all you ignorant people would see IT DOES HAVE TOUCHSCREEN!
jeez, dont think its stupidty on your part, just ignorance
and It isnt something you would wip out on the train to play a game on ( less you really love that game )
its just a nother form of laptop that is heavily pointed at games
You would put this in the bay and hook up your monitor and mouse and keyboard
and the only differance is that you can take this with you ( ahh, LAN parties rock, specially at my house )


and its not a handheld everyone, its a PC , laptop , tablet
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:D :D :D hahaha, someone's just butchered up a laptop and put it in a stupid case! plus, the halo and bf vietnam parts of that video are blatantly fake, notice how he is holding it and moving it freehand in all the video except those parts, there he has it put perfectly still on the ground so they could superimpose some videos of halo on it :D :D :D
mr twit posted on May 25 2004 at 05:24 PM said:
:D :D :D hahaha, someone's just butchered up a laptop and put it in a stupid case! plus, the halo and bf vietnam parts of that video are blatantly fake, notice how he is holding it and moving it freehand in all the video except those parts, there he has it put perfectly still on the ground so they could superimpose some videos of halo on it :D :D :D
You've got a point there....
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Octavious posted on May 26 2004 at 02:20 AM said:
it hasnt even ben finaly designd and your hating it
atleast wait untill its release

It won't be.
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mr twit posted on May 26 2004 at 11:17 AM said:
Octavious posted on May 26 2004 at 02:20 AM said:
it hasnt even ben finaly designd and your hating it
atleast wait untill its release

It won't be.
thank God :D
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heres an email from him with 10 wuestions
the 11th is release and price


Thanks for your inquiry and support of Rogue. Below I have answered your

1. We will more than likely be going with an 8.4" display size for the
production units of the Rogue. We have heard your (gaming community) comments
both on on-line forums and in person at E3 about the size of the Rogue. We
expect the over all size of the Rogue to be about 8"(tall) X 11" (wide) X

2. The Front side bus is 533 MHz at this time.

3. Yes, the Rogue will use your desktop PC 2700 RAM.

4. Two Slots of 1 gig per slot is what we currently have specked out at this
time. We are looking at alternate options, on the smaller form factor
Rogue design, for the amount and number of RAM, and Memory slots.

5. Video Card options is To Be Announced (TBA). Keep watching the Web site for
updates as time goes on.

6. 7200 RPM HD

7. We will have a socketed CPU that can be changed. We will also have a
separate "Daughter" card that houses the CPU socket, North Bridge , and South
Bridge that can be upgraded as well. This will give the end user the
flexibility to upgrade their Rogue to their liking for ~7 years after its
release date. (For Example: Front side bus speed changes. All you purchase is
our CPU module, CPU , and Memory and your system is back up and running
at the latest speeds.)

8. Yes, we are running at 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4M

9. You have to remember these units are "Prototypes" The button color and
configuration will most definitely change to be more user friendly and

10. TBA - This is highly dependant on a multitude of factors: Processor
Selection, Video Card type, and applications that are being run. We will
announce numbers when we get closer to production of "General Use" and "Game
Play" times that you can expect to see. Remember that the electronics
industry is moving toward lower power components all the time while battery
technology is moving toward more power in smaller lighter packages. This is
good news for us in the mobile gaming market. We are on the verge of being able
to cut the cord off our desktop and go to truly wireless PC Gaming.
Rogue will be the first product to do this.

11. TBA - Cost is much like power consumption, it depend on a multitude of
factors. We are trying to target the not only the high end gamer but the
middle of the road user as well and our pricing should illustrate that.

Thanks again for you interest in our product and please send me links to your
forums. We are very interested in hearing from the gaming community on
their thoughts and Ideas. After all, Rogue is built by Gamers for Gamers. Your
opinion counts!


Justin Dyster
Vice President
SL Interphase

ROGUE - Own one or be Owned by one.


>> From: "********************************* >> Date: 2004/05/25 Tue PM 10:34:31 EDT
>> To: rogue@sl-interphase.com
>> Subject: 10 Rouge Questions from the GP32 community
>> Hello. I am writing you on behalf of the older contingent of GP32 owners.
>> I have noticed, along with a lot of my internet friends, that you guys are
>> putting out quite a machine
>> well, I have a few questions that qill hopefully clear up any questions we
>> have
>> I have gotten questions from a few forums for you and there is a few people
>> at each site that will buy your product ( me included ) and hopefully we can
>> sway more to purchase
>> Anyways....
>> 1. Are you going to stay 10.4 inches on the screen, or what size
>> many think it is to large, and frankly, so do I
>> We know its a tablt, but for portable gaming, we think your proposed 8 inch
>> screen would be better
>> 2. What is the Front Side Bus of the processor and RAM?
>> 133 or higher ( hope its higher )
>> 3. Is it true it will use normal RAM , not notebook RAM?
>> 4. Your site states 2 gig of RAM , how much will come with the unit on
>> purchase, and how many open slots/how much max RAM per slot
>> 5. Any specs on the stock Video Card ( the most important thing in a game
>> machine ) and info on plans for future ones? What about Desktop AGP cards?
>> 6. 5200 or 7200 RPM on the 80 gig HD?
>> 7. You said the processor could be replaced, and in the future with any AMD
>> or Intel mobile processor, any more info?
>> 8. Is it true the stock processor is a 2.4 gigHz processor?
>> 9. Are you going to leav the buttons many colors? Or pease, single color. (
>> LOL )
>> 10. How long is battery life for differant modes/recharge times?
>> well, hope we didn't bore you or seem rude, but we would like to know the
>> answers to these questions
>> sincerly,
>> ~Octavious

well, I will replace my desktop with this
and they have fast customer service


sry, had to use we, sounded better
That email proves how stupid you are (the majority of you). You're all saying that the buttons are stupid, with all that weird colors, bla bla bla... Dammit, it's a prototype!! Some people are talking like this IS the final product of LS Interphase... Err. <_<

Octavious posted on May 26 2004 at 02:20 AM said:
it hasnt even ben finaly designd and your hating it
atleast wait untill its release

It won't be.

Oh really, it won't be... Looks like you don't want it to be released, then tell me: what would you lose if it were released? Like was said, at least wait until its release. <_<
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thebluenewt posted on May 27 2004 at 10:28 AM said:
Actually I think we were saying the whole idea is stupid.
At least it's different. I think at the moment there's no portable console playing games from PC, which require good specifications. This is good for some situations, like when we are waiting for our girlfriend in the car, etc (lol). So I think this is a good idea. :)
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Zurc_Leafar posted on May 27 2004 at 10:35 AM said:
thebluenewt posted on May 27 2004 at 10:28 AM said:
Actually I think we were saying the whole idea is stupid.
At least it's different.
But it isn't, as it's just a tablet PC.
ie. Not different.
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NssOne posted on May 25 2004 at 06:16 AM said:
Nah, it's more like this.

You mean to scale right? If it was actual size, those people would be scarily small ;)

It's a hi spec tablet PC w/ Joystick. Theres no way that it is going to be cheaper than a Tablet PC, since it completly beats any I've heard of in specs. IMO you should get it if you want a big, fat, scary looking, hi end Tablet PC :P
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