A Nice Thread All About The Psp

The first PS1s were made with a cheap plastic guide path for the laser that wore out from heat and overuse which sony had started to offer repairs for (unfortunatly for a price) My first chipped gen system is currently spending the rest of it's life in the upside down position so that the laser dosent skip on streaming content. The original disk hub was also pretty cheap and pieces broke off eventually although it never interfered with the disk locking into position... I'm hoping to eventually replace it with a PSOne since they're like 30 bucks if you can find them.

My PS2 is a launch system, which went 3 long years without suffering disk read errors and by the time it did sony had finally broken down and started repairing them for free, so I'm all good.

As for the disk door on the PSP I heard it's only caused by people twising the system, somehow that dosent sound like normal consumer use. :P
But you still wouldn't want it to happen, like if you get frustrated over a game and squeeze the unit the UMD base jumps to the floor. No thank you.

I'm sure they will have it worked out by the time I buy one though.
But I mean it's not normal even if you were to get mad, the worst I'd concider doing to a device like that is shaking it. and even that isnt advisable. I can understand if it's just an over sensitive ejection spring or something though as long as it's not a epidemic which we still dont have a concrete number on (like if it were half the sold units.)
you guys seriously have the first version ps1 systems that still run good? wow! i still remember all the people that bought theirs back when it came out had issues only several months after.

dead pixels...this may sound very stupid, but why don't other handhelds suffer from this? they use a diff lcd panel that doesn't have this issue?

so how many of you guys plan on getting it at launch or are you still bent on preorderign?
Just some more interesting facts for those who are excited by the PSP.


This image shows the option for viewing data or launching utilities off the memory stick. Wheather this data is encrypted with RSA or not is really unknown at this point.


This image is confusing. It is either a system whereby multiple PSPs can play the same game using only one actual game, similar to the system adopted by DS and GBA. Or it could be an option for transferring the games stored on the Memorystick to another user. I would have thought that if it was the former, it wouldn't be an option in the menu, rather it would be in the game itself. If it is the latter, it may give an indication that the memorystick games are not RSA encrypted since they wouldn't work on another system if they were.

Anyone got any facts or insight?


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About the first point. Obviously I dont know about encryption etc, but Sony did confirm that you would be able to download playable demos from the Internet and put them on a memory stick to play - though, I dont think it was an official statement, it just came out in an interview that this was indeed a possibility. Cant find any links to back this up mind.

Edit: Actually - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/r/?pa...p(que)id=113111

I read something about the game sharing at IGN:

"December 10, 2004 - In our playtest of the final PSP hardware earlier this week, IGN stumbled upon a mysterious option in the PSP interface menu. Listed under the "Game" section of the system's XMB (cross media bar) menu is an option for "Game Sharing." At the time, we weren't sure what this feature was.

Today, thanks to the first and only issue of Famitsu PSP (this one-time Japanese publication hit store shelves today), we have somewhat of an explanation of the feature. The magazine states: "Using the Game Sharing function, you can make use of WiFi transfer to receive data that a friend has sent. The type of gameplay that can be had is dependent on the game, so you'll want to wait for compatible games to appear."

While this short blurb still doesn't reveal what exactly Game Sharing can do, it does seem to confirm that Ridge Racers and the other launch titles won't use it (a separate feature is used to trade game save files.) It looks like we're going to have to wait for a developer to actually make use of the Game Sharing feature before we fully understand it."

Well, my PSP is in the Midlands at the moment, so it wont be long now. Cant wait.
if i were you i'd be excited as hell.
i wonder when winning eleven or a fifa game will be out and how they'll be like....*keeps dreaming.
junker posted on Dec 16 2004 at 10:18 AM said:
if i were you i'd be excited as hell.
i wonder when winning eleven or a fifa game will be out and how they'll be like....*keeps dreaming.

I'm beyond excited over the PSP.

I'm sure FIFA will be out for the euro launch but I wont be getting that crap, Winning Eleven/PES all the way for me. It's gonna be boss playing my mate wirelessly in a match when we're out and about.

Winning Eleven on the move is up there with the main reason I got a PSP.

Anyway, still says it's in the East Midlands Airport. I reckon it will be here tomorrow.

The tension mounts.
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Impression 1: VAT is crap. I knew the VAT was coming but he wouldnt accept my Credit card and I had no cash (I was going to get some in tmorrow when the PSP was meant to be delivered), so I had to get a neighbour to write him a cheque.

Impression 2: The package stinks of cigars

Impression 3....Give me a few days to play. But on first looks it's sexy. Very slim and sleek. Screen is beautiful. Sorry to say the screen does put the DS to shame, it's a lot like the Zodiac's screen. Very nice.

But now I must really go and have a fiddle (with the PSP that is?!)...
I did order Tiger Woods with it, but it got put back so I changed it to Ridge Racers.

You'll have seen the screenshots but on the smaller screen you'd think Ridge Racers was as good a PS2 version. Moves with great speed, looks stunning. Playing it brings back a lot of old memories of the Christmas I got my Playstation.

I'll let you know on the battery, I've got it plugged in (hope its ok, using my laptop plug with the multi voltage adapter), but it said 49% when I got it out the box. I think it did anyway, wanted to ger RR on the go straight away.

The PSP is also much smaller than I expected for some reason.
Ehm, the starter of the thread says that it is confirmed that the firmware can be flashed from the memory stick. Doesn't the mean that all we have to do is write hacked firmware and run it from the card?