A New Logo Mock Up That I Did :)

All the glossy stuff is just for web presentation though, and maybe fancy packaging (and Pandora won't necessarily have that). It just needs to look good as a flat, single colour image so it translates easily to a screen print, rubber stamp, or engraving/moulding.

But man, that was a bad mockup of a mediocre logo. Personally I think the present logo needs some work, it doesn't seem quite professional enough to be used on the pandora site. The 'box' and 'pandora' seem to be competing for attention, since they have similar heights and different colors. Additionally, the box doesn't seem to be aligned with anything. I'm not sure how it relates to the device itself, i.e. what does this logo say about the pandora handheld?

To me, with all the rounded edges it could represent a fluffy toy of some sort, maybe a fluffy cube for kids. I like the typeface, but considering who this device is aimed at, I think the logo should have hard-core gamer, retro and techy feel to it. Anyways, that's my honest criticism.

Maybe a whole bunch of designers can get together and create a brand for this thing, maybe craigix is already onto it. I wouldn't mind helping out but I don't think so highly of myself as to do it on my own. I'm still studying design after all :)

Look forward to hearing what you all think.
i get it, hurting kids would probably be a little over the top
*jumps into flame proof escape pod*

These are some popular gaming device logos i have picked off the net. Notice how none of them relate to the device except the DS, and thats only the vaguest hint.

I like the current cube logo, its simple, understated, can be used on its own, and fits in with the whole pandora mythos.

The point of marketing on a gaming device isn't to base your entire company around a single product, its to build up the device AND the brand.
parag0n said:

These are some popular gaming device logos i have picked off the net. Notice how none of them relate to the device except the DS, and thats only the vaguest hint.

I like the current cube logo, its simple, understated, can be used on its own, and fits in with the whole pandora mythos.

Those are some good examples of logos where the type and imagery are working together. In the examples with imagery, (xbox and playstation) the imagery is simply an abstraction of the brandname itself, hence the strong association. Additionally, the type is given a secondary role underneath the more complex imagery. The PSP logo is purely typographic (and very techy, gamer-like, like the rest of the examples you posted).

I think for the present pandora logo to work better (not that I like it), the box should feature more prominently, and have the same line weight/curvature as the typeface used (preferably underneath it). I like the typeface, but I'm not sure if it meets up to the 'pandora' ethos.

parag0n said:
The point of marketing on a gaming device isn't to base your entire company around a single product, its to build up the device AND the brand.
That's exactly what I mean. The logo should say something about what the company does, who its demographic is, or who it wants its demographic to be. It should convey that feeling strongly, just like the xbox/psp/nds logos do. The xbox logo looks like a gaming button. The PlayStation logo looks colorful and fun (wasn't it animated?). The NDS logo represents a key feature of the device itself. Those logos shout "hey i'm fun, this is cool, etc etc".

Its interesting you mention the mythology of pandora, yet praise the "understatedness" of the box in the logo. To me, when I see pandora, i think of a box full of evil. The present box looks kindof like a blue-chip, conservative IT company's logo, and the type following after it looks more youthful, rounded, soft and vibrant. Its a mixed message, I think more work can be done on it.. I may have a crack myself this weekend (if I have time), simply for fun. End of blabbering ;)
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Also notice that the text in all the logo's do not have any shiny/glossy/embossed/raised finish or whatever photoshop sorta things, which I think is quite common in web graphics. I'm not really a fan of that typical shiny/glossy look myself.

Anyhows I think ebossed or raised sorta text, icons or whatever are not very well suited to other media, and I think it's much avoided particularly on television. Hmm, I'm not exactly sure why and this is something to look into when creating a logo.

Maybe we can start by each of us stating how we think of the pandora, alike quatercast has already done and see if there is some common perception that represents the pandora in an accurate manner.

I don't see the pandora as something dark myself, although in the sense that it will be used alot for emulation of downloadable roms might give some the impression of something dark, much like the terminology of 'underground'.

I think the current box might represent it quite well if you want to emphasize that it's opensource or whatever, as such the box appears open in the sense we can see through each side.

Umm, I see the pandora as something fun for homebrew developers, something that provides the opportunity for innovative and unique gameplay and applications.

Maybe we should ask what prompted craigx and such to design and produce such a device in the first place? what did they want it to be or do that others devices are not or cannot? Hmm, from what I remember I think the aim of the pandora was to get things right, so maybe this sorta sense that 'it's right' should somehow be represented in the logo, just a thought anyhows.

Hmm, I hope I'm going in the right sorta direction here anyhows.

Maybe we should also ask where the name 'pandora' came from and why? what does it represent? is it more than something that sounds cool?

Hmm, in a sense it seems to me like something breaking through and shaking the competition, or something causing some sort of large impact. Hmm, I'm not exactly sure really.

In another sense it seems to me like something that demands your full attention, or something like this in the way that there are no other common/catchy naming convensions (not that I know of anyhows), and people seem to speak and write 'pandora' in it's entirety. Unlike most other systems with smaller, catchy naming convensions such as ds, psx, n64, ps3 and so on.

...and I would improve it to, a little bit more Box like, with a lid or something, and the Pandora-Font is still much to boring!
Here some Ideas I made some time ago:

Those all look a little to complicated to me. I like the current logo because of how simple it looks, plus the fact that once people know about it it'll be instantly recognizable.
jmetal88 said:
I like the current logo because of how simple it looks, plus the fact that once people know about it it'll be instantly recognizable.
You took the words right out of my mouth. :P
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Goddamn Gravediggers.

Now that I got that off my chest:

quartercast said:
The xbox logo looks like a gaming button.
The Xbox logo looks like a piece of paper slit twice, not a button. And if you're talking about the XBox 360, the idea with that logo was that they were making the Xbox slit on a sphere, hence the 360. (you know, degrees?)

jmetal88 said:
Those all look a little to complicated to me. I like the current logo because of how simple it looks, plus the fact that once people know about it it'll be instantly recognizable.

-God Ginrai
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atomicthumbs said:
The current logo kind of makes me think of this:

"Pandora: by SGI"
You have quite an imagination to think that looks like the SGI logo. Seriously, that's such a damn stretch.

-God Ginrai
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Never knew about the competition, there are some nice entries.

Anyhows I must agree, I like the current logo for simular reasons as others have already stated :).

Hmm, for some reason I was under the impression that the logo still wasn't decided on, but I seem to think otherwise now. But yea, I think the current logo is fine, and I think it's a well made choice from those in the competition :).
