The GBA's resolution was annoyingly low. Compare Gunstar Heroes and Gunstar Heroes (MegaDrive/Genesis, 320x240) and Gunstar Super Heroes (GBA, 240x160) [images not to scale, these are meant to show onscreen sprite distribution and size proportion]:
Note the first image, on the MD/Genesis at 320x240. The character sprite is in a large open area and has great freedom of movement for shooting and melee attacks. Now note the 2nd-- the resolution is lower so for a reasonably detailed player sprite, his character sprite seems huge compared to the shrunken world, reducing his range of motion and agility, and making the playspace feel cramped. This isn't even a port; it's a from-scratch original version! The exact same scenario arises in an even more apparent fashion with the Metal Slug title custom developed for the GBA.
.. you simply can't get away with as much at that resolution. It's just a fact. Now if you really want to make such a big deal out of a console that will primarily run simple puzzle games from cell phones, be my guest, but don't be surprised when no one here is interested in it because it's not capable of running most games, or emulators of nearly any system, or reasonable-quality video, all functions the GP2X provides.
So this community is fully anti-XGP eh? This isn't an XGP model; the XGP series' real systems (XGP/Mini) use MES VRender-3D chipsets with 200 Mhz ARM920T processors and 2D/3D accelerators. This machine has an anemic CPU and no acceleration, and a tiny screen size and shares extremely little with the other 2 systems that share its namesake. I'll be one of the first in line to get an XGP once they are available and proven to be a good device-- I want to develop for them as they package the GP2X's best features with much-desired high-end 2D acceleration and greater screen real estate, two factors I greatly desire in a game development platform. But that won't stop me from detracting from a product that shouldn't exist, and will just deplete Gamepark's funds making XGP/XGP Mini units, the real attraction, cost more to build.
EDIT: While I appreciate your admitting to causing this little clusterfuck of an argument, you carry this sort of thing on all the time, in lots of topics on all the subforums; spreading mindless obnoxious hate to the GP2X side of things nonstop. It's like barging into a forum about a spinoff band to talk shit about how much better the original band was. That's essentially what you're doing with all this mindless fanboyism of a console that doesn't even exist yet. I see the XGP/Mini as being viable and powerful development platforms but nothing is available yet, little is known, a lot is up in the air. How can you slander an existing machine by the virtues of one that does not yet exist?